JW in yalls opinion which is better...Clom or Nolva for OT's pct. I have read mixed opinions on both...just would like to know the best! Thx all!
JW in yalls opinion which is better...Clom or Nolva for OT's pct. I have read mixed opinions on both...just would like to know the best! Thx all!
You would be best off to take Clomid for 2 weeks,week one 2 tabs,week two 1 tab.Then start nolva at 40mg for weeks three and four,then take 20mg for week 5 and week 6,then you done.
haha, i made the same thread about 2 weeks ago, check it out it somewhere out there, made a poll and everything
towards the end people voted 10 for clomid and 10 for aromasin, but clomid is the thing of the past, it has its side effects while the aromasin has few if any and works much better
think of clomid as a 1997 ford mustang and the aromasin a 2007 mustang, get it?
I prefer Nolva. Stronger SERM/ less sides/ increases test more than clomid. Better all round drug.
but u cant just take Nolva alone...... can you?
depends on the cycle.
In a weak one nolva is enough.
For OT maybe aromasin with it.
For a test, tren and other more suppressive drugs, i would run hcg, aromasin and nolva
I used Anthony Roberts PCT my last cycle and I recoverd really nice and had no problems so I will use this again.
Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day
I used clomid my first cycle and will never do that again made me mushy as hell and depressed I used the above 2x's and felt great both times and kept most of my gains beside the water weight.
bearpaw - would that be a good post cycle after 10-12 weeks of deca alone? i have never used b4
Use the search feature.
how about for a test c only cycle?
nolva ok?
Depends on dosage.
For a standard test c cycle at 500-750 mg/week I would go with hcg, aromasin and nolva.
how about 500mg a week?
like hugo said; hcg,aromasin,nolva. you need a proper pct for a test cycle as it completely shuts off ur natty test.Originally Posted by latinplaya
so i guess its back to Clomid and Nolva then huh?
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