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Thread: Pct for sust

  1. #1
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Pct for sust

    hey guys almost finishing my 10 week cycle on sust only at 500mg/pw
    my question is related to pct i know i have to wait 18 days before i start pct
    for pct i have nolva and clomid i want to add hcg but the weird thing is how the f** on earth do i mix the stuff and how much of it do i use?

    week 1-3 20mg nolva/ed
    week 1-3 50mg clomid/ed

    this is how i plan to run my pct so far any suggestions

  2. #2
    ROUDA is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    hey what kind of results did you get from this cycle.

  3. #3
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i gained approx 12kgs with a pretty good diet i just eat anything whether its kebabs or pasta or pizza non stop eat worked great

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