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Thread: HCG (Pregnyl) FAQ

  1. #81
    binsser's Avatar
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    Iiiiiinnnnnnnn ttttttthhhhhheeee fridge fridge fridge

    anyone who read this from the start wouldnt need to ask where its been answered 3 times already lololol


  2. #82
    Wolverine88 is offline New Member
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    hey guys

    u have all been a huge help to me in th epast so here i am asking yet another question

    i am finishing up a 600mg sust a week cycle with tren everyother day. i just got hcg . i am not sure on the correct way to take hcg. everyone has a different way. i have 5000iu hcg. can someone please tell me what dosage and how many days please

    thanks again

  3. #83
    bogdan84uzy's Avatar
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    Last edited by bogdan84uzy; 09-06-2009 at 05:01 AM.

  4. #84
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tokmik View Post
    I'm a miserable spammer, ignore the urge to hurt me please and just ignore my posts.
    Ok, just for you.

  5. #85
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).

    In information leaflet is STORE in 2°C-15°

    What is true?

  6. #86
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    This is a good post! thanks bro.

  7. #87
    LIONKING123 is offline New Member
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    Did a 8 week course of Testex and dec. Finished 3 weeks ago

    Using Nolva 20mg for PCT. My gonads are still shrunk though.

    Should i add some HCG for a week to kickstart gonads or will Nolva do this anyway?

  8. #88
    JHeisman1 is offline New Member
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    I've read that if it doesnt stay cool and gets warm, then the HCG will denature and thus, not work. Shouldnt be stored at room temperature unless the vials haven't been mixed yet. Once mixed, it must be either injected or put in the fridge. Also, once mixed its only good for about a week at the listed dose [even in the fridge]. After 1 week the it will lose some of its effectiveness/concentration as it will degrade/denature and therefore lose potency.

    Great post!

  9. #89
    bogdan84uzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JHeisman1 View Post
    Also, once mixed its only good for about a week at the listed dose [even in the fridge]. After 1 week the it will lose some of its effectiveness/concentration as it will degrade/denature and therefore lose potency.
    5 days,not 1week!!

  10. #90
    match36 is offline New Member
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    bare with me

    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe View Post
    Note: I got this FAQ from a different board, only Q#6,7,9,10,11 were added and written by me x_moe and few others that were edited to give you more info., hope you find this helpful.

    1)What is HCG ?
    Hcg stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin .

    2)Where does hcg come from?
    It is extracted from the urine of pregnant women.

    3)Is hcg a scheduled medication?
    No, its similar to clomid and liquidex as far as US laws go. However you would need a prescription to purchase legally in the US.

    4)What is hcg normally used for?
    It is used to help females get pregnant, and can be used to stimulate testosterone production in males.

    5)How does hcg work?
    Hcg mimics LH(leutenizing hormone). The presence of LH causes the Leydig cells in the gonads to produce testosterone. This effect also restores the size of the testes rather quickly if they were suppressed from a cycle.

    6)What should hcg be used for?
    Hcg is commonly used by bodybuilders on either very heavy or very long cycles, when the hpta gets severely suppressed. Although hcg can be used in almost any cycle, the benefits are most pronounced on heavy/long ones.

    7)How do you take it?
    You can take it IM or Sub-q.

    8)Can I use hcg only for Pct?
    No you shouldn't. It is better than nothing, but clomid or nolva are far better plans. Since hcg mimics lh, your body wont begin producing its own lh, as it sees no need to because test levels are high. You stop the hcg, your balls stop making test until your body begins producing adequate levels of its own lh, and that may take a while if you don't use clomid or nolvadex to stimulate lh production. The use of Clomid or Nolvadex should also be continued at least 2 weeks after hcg is discontinued to avoid the hcg causing problems.

    9)Can I use hcg during cycle and when?
    Yes you can, imo to best benefit from Hcg is to run it by the last 3-4 weeks of your steroid cycle. Do not run hcg if your getting signs of gyno, hcg will make it worst, so becarful.

    10)How much Hcg is needed during cycle and/or pct?
    For pct a minimum of 10,000iu's hcg is needed. When you have a proper pct planned with a serm and an AI, and you want to run hcg during the last 4 weeks of your cycle, then you might only need 5,000iu's.
    An anti-estrogen (Nolva, etc.) is to be used with hcg during your last 4 weeks of cycle.

    11)What dose do you run hcg at?
    Hcg is best dosed at 500iu and/or 1000iu, more than that can cause too much aromatization, and some people wont react to less than 500iu. So during the last 4 weeks of a cycle, you shoot 500iu of hcg twice a week or 1000iu once a week. For pct, 500iu ed or 1000iu eod.

    12)Can hcg be used w/out steroids to boost test production above baseline?
    Yes. It is not recommended however. Continued use of hcg will desensitize the leydig cells to lh, meaning once you stop using the hcg as an artificial lh, you will crash bad. The natural lh production once restored by using nolvadex or clomid, may not be as effective as it once was. To boost natural test above baseline, anastrozole, nolvadex and clomid are better choices.

    13)How long does hcg boost testosterone for?
    Hcg can boost testosterone for up to 5 days following the last dose, although the drugs halflife is very short, and its no longer active at that point.

    14)Can hcg cause gyno?
    Yes. Estrogen is elevated by two ways from hcg use. Primarily from the sharp rise in testosterone, which allows more testosterone to aromatize to estrogen. Secondly hcg can cause a small amount of estrogen to be produced which is not from the result of aromatizing, and this is the reason that a combination of an anti aromatize such as liquidex/arimidex /letrozole and a estrogen receptor blocker such as nolvadex are ideally used. The nolvadex may also offer some additional benefit to help avoid a negative estrogen feedback to the hpta during hcg therapy, which would otherwise slightly lessen the effectiveness of the therapy.

    15)How does hcg come packaged?
    You get 2 vials or amps, 1 has the powdered hcg in it, and the other has a diluent in it(solvent). The diluent is typically bacteriostatic water, or sterile water w/ .09% sodium chloride. ***ending on the brand and version, the package commonly comes w/ enough diluent to make concentrations ranging from 250-10,000iu per ml.

    If your package is 5000iu, and you add 1ml diluent, you have 5000iu per ml.
    If you add 5ml diluent, you final mix is then 1000iu per ml.
    If you add 10ml diluent, then 500iu per ml and so on.

    This is simple math, and you don't wanna screw it up, know what dose you are taking!

    If your package doesn't include enough diluent to make the concentration you want, you have 2 options to make it easy to accurately measure your doses.

    1-buy some insulin syringes, U-100 type. On the graduated markings, the 100iu mark is equal to 1ml, the 50iu is .5ml etc. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU FILL IT TO THE 100IU MARK THAT YOU ARE TAKING 100IU OF HCG! Iu's are not a measurement of volume or weight, they are a measure of effectiveness for a desired response from specific drugs/compounds. Every compound is different. These are insulin syringes, and they are made for insulin-not hcg. Insulin is the same iu concentration per ml everytime(if its u100 type), hcg is not. Imagine if you made your hcg 10,000iu per ml. if you fill the insulin syringe up to 100iu mark, you now have 10,000iu in there! Not good. You must understand this.
    So if you had 5000iu per ml, and wanted to take a 500iu shot, you would inject 10iu on the insulin syringe scale.

    2-buy some bacteriostatic water off the internet, its easily found. Simply add more to dilute it to the desired conscentration. Making lower concentrations are easier and more accurately dosed. Then it can accurately be measured w/ a regular syringe.

    Mix the two together, they dissolve very easily. Hcg can be very unstable and to make sure to not shake it and let it foam.... Be careful when reconsituting it . Be gentle and run the bac water down the side of the vial not allowing to foam up... Keep things sterile folks. Unused hcg can be refrigerated and is ok to use within 30 days after the initial mixing.

    Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).

    A detectable rise in hcg is seen in 2 h; peak levels are reached in 6 h and remain at this level for 36 h.

    hcg levels begin to decline at 48 h and approach baseline at 72 h.
    i have 5000iu hcg i put 5ml bact. wtr. How much should i take post cycle.

  11. #91
    polly56's Avatar
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    Does anybody know the detection times for HCG ?

  12. #92
    2009MrTeenTN is offline New Member
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    stoped a cycle 5 months ago and as of a month ago ive been doing clomid and nolva having great results comming back, i did suffer some testicular atrophy and i was wondering i did 150mg for 10 days 100 for 10 days and am now doing 75 for then then i will do 50 for about 21 days, i have hcg can i run 500iu ed to get me back to normal fastest along with clomid and nolva(or arimadex) for 3 weeks? that would come to 10,000iu

  13. #93
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    Hi fellas... Ive been reading for the last 2-3 hours, and still havent found much info on how to inject this stuff...
    insulin needle right?
    29g? 30g?...
    1/2"? 3/8"?...
    1cc syringe? 1/2cc? 3/10cc?...
    so far the popular method is the fat below the belly button... anywhere else?

    also, the product im ordering says its packaged in 2 a powder, the other a sterile solvent...after mixing the vials, i have a 1ml solvent...i wanna inject about 125iu's 2x a week (during the last 4 weeks of my cycle, not as PCT) many cc's will that be??

    again this is not to restore my nuts, this is to prevent them from ever shrinking
    my aas cycle is basic...test en 250 2x a week for 10 weeks and dbol 50mgs a day for the first 4 weeks
    i plan on starting up hcg with 4 or 5 weeks left on my cycle...
    any and all input is appreciated, thanks

  14. #94
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    You get 2 vials or amps, 1 has the powdered hcg in it, and the other has a diluent in it(solvent). The diluent is typically bacteriostatic water, or sterile water w/ .09% sodium chloride. ***ending on the brand and version, the package commonly comes w/ enough diluent to make concentrations ranging from 250-10,000iu per ml.

    If your package is 5000iu, and you add 1ml diluent, you have 5000iu per ml.
    If you add 5ml diluent, you final mix is then 1000iu per ml.
    If you add 10ml diluent, then 500iu per ml and so on.

    This is simple math, and you don't wanna screw it up, know what dose you are taking!

    If your package doesn't include enough diluent to make the concentration you want, you have 2 options to make it easy to accurately measure your doses.

    1-buy some insulin syringes, U-100 type. On the graduated markings, the 100iu mark is equal to 1ml, the 50iu is .5ml etc. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU FILL IT TO THE 100IU MARK THAT YOU ARE TAKING 100IU OF HCG! Iu's are not a measurement of volume or weight, they are a measure of effectiveness for a desired response from specific drugs/compounds. Every compound is different. These are insulin syringes, and they are made for insulin-not hcg. Insulin is the same iu concentration per ml everytime(if its u100 type), hcg is not. Imagine if you made your hcg 10,000iu per ml. if you fill the insulin syringe up to 100iu mark, you now have 10,000iu in there! Not good. You must understand this.
    So if you had 5000iu per ml, and wanted to take a 500iu shot, you would inject 10iu on the insulin syringe scale.

    ok so i guess this is the formula right here...
    if i wanna take a 250 shot, how much do i dilute??

  15. #95
    smc88 is offline Associate Member
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    in the viles i get its 500IUs but wouldnt b able to fit 10ml of water init. ? how can i over come that

  16. #96
    smc88 is offline Associate Member
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  17. #97
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
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    Johnny: As prescribed by an anti aging clinic, my doc states 250iu's twice a week. Not on the days that you inject test or whatever you are taking. Be cautious, if you get any nipple sensitivity while taking hcg on your cycle you might want to stop or lower the dosage. This is just information I have obtained from anti aging clinic, but everyones body reacts differently. Previously I was told by them to use 500ius twice a week of hcg if planning on doing a cycle up to twenty weeks for the entire cycle, which I don't believe is necessary. I found that upped my sensitivity even being on 3 mgs of arimidex per week. My cycle only included 200mgs cpyionate and 100 mgs deca per week, which is not much. So my body is extra sensitive. Just thought I would post since I have been given a lot of good advice from this site.
    Last edited by EasyDoesIt; 06-08-2011 at 07:42 PM.

  18. #98
    Relax007's Avatar
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    If I was going to do 4 weeks of HCG , when would I start it and finish it? Also, I hear that long use of HCG will desensitize my LH. Should this be taken for 10 weeks or can I do 250x2/week for 4-6 weeks and be good? This is my planned cycle. Please help with the HCG recommendations.

    Dbol 40ed/1-4 weeks
    Test e 250x2/1-12 weeks
    Deca 200x2/week 1-10 weeks
    Winny 50mg/6-12 weeks
    HCG 250iux2/8-11 or 2-11 week with nolva-need help
    Adex eod or e3d

    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Last edited by Relax007; 11-13-2010 at 05:19 PM.

  19. #99
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    So im about to start a prop tren cycle 150 eod prop and 75 eod tren I read some where that HCG will be needed after the use of tren to help the body come back to normal But here you state only heavy cycles i know tren is vicious on the body but i think at the low dose im taking it ill will be ok any advice would be great thanks

  20. #100
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
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    If you are referring to my post the heavy cycle statement refers to using hcg while on a cycle of 20 weeks, which is 250 units twice weekly. I would definitely use pct after the cycle you are referring to. I am assuming you are going to do 10 week cycle. Probably not a good idea to do tren for longer than 10 weeks max. I don't think it would be necessary to use hcg while on your cycle if it is around 10 weeks.
    Last edited by EasyDoesIt; 06-08-2011 at 07:41 PM.

  21. #101
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    Actually I am currently on (week 9) I used 150 mg prop eod until (week 8) then cut it to 100mg eod on (week 10) was going to climb to 200mg eod and add 75 mg tren eod for the remaining 8-10 weeks and needed to know if i should add hcg but apparently I do so i need to do some more research before I climb into tren i think next time ill add it to the cycle.

  22. #102
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    Also I read if you already have gyno problems on cycle not to use hcg , did i read correctly, I always get gyno while on cycle, but it goes away once i start my pct of novadex and clomid.

  23. #103
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  24. #104
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Great info...Maybe someone can clear up aliitle confusion on my end.I will be running Hcg during my next cycle.I understand the mixing ratio but am confused as to the way it came.
    It came in amps, the dilutent also came in amps.My source sayed it was dosed at 5000iu.The thing that has me stuck is why is the dilutant in 2ml amp?does that have any bearing on what it is dosed at?Where or how does the 2ml amount come into play?Why wouldnt it come with 10ml or just 1ml,,Why 2ml?

  25. #105
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  26. #106
    michael040706's Avatar
    michael040706 is offline New Member
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    OP was great!! answered a lot of questions.

    According to my friend he uses Distilled water... any thoughts?
    I know it won't be as sterile as bacteriostatic water but will it work?
    or is distilled water the same as the above mentioned "sterile water w/ .09% sodium chloride"
    If so is IM safe tahe way? he only goes sub-q

  27. #107
    bogdan84uzy's Avatar
    bogdan84uzy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe View Post

    If your package is 5000iu, and you add 1ml diluent, you have 5000iu per ml.
    If you add 5ml diluent, you final mix is then 1000iu per ml.
    If you add 10ml diluent, then 500iu per ml and so on.

    This is simple math, and you don't wanna screw it up, know what dose you are taking!

    2-buy some bacteriostatic water off the internet, its easily found. Simply add more to dilute it to the desired conscentration. Making lower concentrations are easier and more accurately dosed. Then it can accurately be measured w/ a regular syringe.

    Mix the two together, they dissolve very easily. Hcg can be very unstable and to make sure to not shake it and let it foam.... Be careful when reconsituting it . Be gentle and run the bac water down the side of the vial not allowing to foam up... Keep things sterile folks. Unused hcg can be refrigerated and is ok to use within 30 days after the initial mixing.

    Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).
    i have a question: if you use only sterile water,because bacteriostatic water is hard to find,how long after the Hcg mix can be used?i am thinking to use a 5000ui/ml dose,diluated in 10 parts-500ui/day so this means 10 is ok with sterile water?i have read somewhere that with sterile water it last only 5 days.which one is true?


  28. #108
    bcochran0123 is offline Junior Member
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    I've got a stack that has me running deca , test cyp, danabol, anastozol and HCG , finished with clomid and nolva. Am I good to run the HCG through week 8 at the below cycle???

    # WEEKS 1- 6: Danabol 30mg Every Day
    # WEEKS 1- 8: Deca Durabolin 400mg Per Week
    # WEEKS 1- 8: Testosterone Cypionate 750mg Per Week
    # WEEKS 1-10: Anastrozol 0.25mg Every Day
    # WEEKS 1-8: Pregnyl (HCG) 300-500iu Every 4-5 Days
    # WEEK 9: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
    # WEEK 10: 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
    # WEEK 11: 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day

  29. #109
    polarb68111 is offline Junior Member
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  30. #110
    gtgb's Avatar
    gtgb is offline Junior Member
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    Nice info

  31. #111
    Cdub's Avatar
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    I am on a 12 week cycle of test e with 4 weeks left. I read that I should start the hcg during the last 4 weeks of the cycle and then go into my pct.

    I also know that the pct for test e should start 14 days after last shot. So does that mean i should start the hcg with 2 weeks left in my cycle to make it 4 weeks including the 14 days after the last test shot?


  32. #112
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcochran0123 View Post
    I've got a stack that has me running deca , test cyp, danabol, anastozol and HCG , finished with clomid and nolva. Am I good to run the HCG through week 8 at the below cycle???

    # WEEKS 1- 6: Danabol 30mg Every Day
    # WEEKS 1- 8: Deca Durabolin 400mg Per Week
    # WEEKS 1- 8: Testosterone Cypionate 750mg Per Week
    # WEEKS 1-10: Anastrozol 0.25mg Every Day
    # WEEKS 1-8: Pregnyl (HCG) 300-500iu Every 4-5 Days
    # WEEK 9: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
    # WEEK 10: 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
    # WEEK 11: 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
    run the test 3 more weeks than the deca, you will have to have no more than 12.5mgs of nandrolone in your system for your own test to come back
    if you stop deca in week 8, in 2 weeks, you will still have over 200mgs in your body, and the serms will be worthless if you start them then
    decanote half life is 10 days, 400 mgs after 40 days is 25mgs left
    run the hcg for 2 weeks after your last test shot, then wait 4 days, start your nolva clomid
    make sure you take an AI all the way until you start your serms

    Quote Originally Posted by Cdub View Post
    I am on a 12 week cycle of test e with 4 weeks left. I read that I should start the hcg during the last 4 weeks of the cycle and then go into my pct.

    I also know that the pct for test e should start 14 days after last shot. So does that mean i should start the hcg with 2 weeks left in my cycle to make it 4 weeks including the 14 days after the last test shot?

    i would run the hcg for 2 weeks after your last test shot with an AI
    wait 4 days, start your nolva clomid

    your trying to keep you ledgye cells stimulated for as long as possible until you start the serms
    Last edited by 5x10; 03-28-2011 at 07:01 PM.

  33. #113
    Tlee8769's Avatar
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    Is HCG mandatory when taking nolva and aromasin ? Getting alot of mixed reviews?

  34. #114
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  35. #115
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    Is HCG mandatory when taking nolva and aromasin? Getting alot of mixed reviews?
    the theory is, ledgye cells(which produce test) atrophy or die while not getting stimulated by LH(hcg )
    so after 16 weeks of not getting stimulated, your capacity to produce test is severely limited(some studies suggest an almost 98% loss in ledge cells)
    so when you start your serms, you will be producing significantly less tes until your ledgye cells either regrow, or grow as new LH signals are being sent to them

    this is the analogy when i think of hcg
    lets say you broke your leg, in a cast for 12 weeks and you cant stand on it
    after 12 weeks, you get your cast off and now you have to rehab(recover) to be able to walk again
    lets say that docs came out with some electrodes(hcg) they can attach to your leg muscles(ledgye cells),while in a cast, to help stimulate them and stop the atrophy of them
    in theory, it would be easier to recovery from that injury with the electrodes as they would allow the muscles to be more prepared to walk again(make test)
    hope it makes sense

  36. #116
    Spike204 is offline New Member
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    what happens if u dont run HCG with a test e only cyle? will u lose all muscle u gained?

  37. #117
    X83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous;480***3
    Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).

    In information leaflet is STORE in 2°C-15°

    What is true?
    I store it in the frige before and after reconstituting.

    Also keep it from being exposed to light before and after reconstituting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spike204 View Post
    what happens if u dont run HCG with a test e only cyle? will u lose all muscle u gained?
    Your balls stop working after four weeks and you will lose a few gains if not used.

  38. #118
    craiven is offline New Member
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    this thread is very useful thanks alot guys

  39. #119
    smc88 is offline Associate Member
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    this thread says to use it in the last four weeks of cycle, but iv heard that it should be taken after the first four weeks of cycle and run through out, which is true on a test 400 cycle ?

  40. #120
    DGK is offline Member
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    i have been told to run it towards the end of the cycle, and throughout pct. Can someone with experience on this pm me?

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