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    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2004

    Libido Crash - Endocrine Equilibrium

    Everyone seems to be asking about PCT, bad libido, etc. I look at it like this:

    Three factors determine the extent of damage your endocrine system will sustain.

    1)The androgenic /anabolic strength of the compounds you used
    2)What volume was used per week
    3)The length of the cycle/cycles (back to back cycles continue to damage - years of use even worse)

    - PCT can only help the problem, and thats only if you know what your doing.

    -Not knowing what to use, how much, and when to use it is dangerous. You can make the problem worse or even permanent.

    -None of these medications were created with the intention of helping bodybuilders. Some were for breast cancer, some for infertility, HRT etc. Bodybuilding use is not an exact science, unless your connected with a real expert. If so, your lucky.

    -Your body strives to achieve a state of equilibrium naturally through many checks and balances (via hormones) in the blood. It gets all messed up when you introduce outside hormones. Some ppl heal quick from this, some need help. Some dont heal at all.

    -It takes several months, often more, to reach equilibrium once again. Sometimes your never quite the same, but close. Ive read sterility can set in, but i cant confirm that.

    -There is no silver bullet "few week cure". Some ppl bounce back quick naturally, some are super slow, some have a good reaction to using PCT drugs, some dont. I luv seeing those threads "its been a week and my balls arent back should i take like a million iu's of HCG ......." Damn. Someones going sterile lol

    -Patience is the key. Took me LOTS of months, 18 or more, to feel kinda normal again. Your body is TRYING to work out the problem.

    -In the meantime you may have low test and high estro. Little more laid back, but dont care to get laid you might get a little "chubby" or cry at sad movies

    -Dont take some PCT stuff until you know you need it - just cause you read a thread or someone said you need it doesnt mean you do. Learn what YOU need, and take that.

    Bottom line is you gotta know what works for you. There is so much info out there thats good that can help you, but theres prolly more BAD info out there to mislead you. Proceed with caution!

    Last edited by Drummerboy; 03-26-2007 at 04:22 PM.

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