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Thread: Post Cycle Not Working!

  1. #1

    Post Cycle Not Working!

    I was on a twelve week cycle of Test. Propionate (1,000 mg.wk) and I've been off for over three weeks. I started 25 mg of Nolvadex ed two weeks before ending my cycle and started clomid at 50 mg ed at the end of my cycle. I've continued that but I can tell my test levels are especially low, like my dick barely works, i'm in a pissy mood all the time, listlessness to training, etc. Now I know people are gonna say that I should have done a cycle of HCG but I could get access. Does anyone have any advice?


    Does anyone think that maybe some T-BOMB would help my PCT at all or at least help bring up my testosterone?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Get some HCG now and run it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you should have run at least an AI and a SERM, you ran two SERMS, crap PCT IMO. Go to the PCT forum stickies and check out the Anthony Roberts PCT to give you an idea of what an agressive PCT should look like.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    At this point HCG will just futher shut down your system. Your clomid dosage is very light. You should have run something like 300mg the first day on, 150mg/d for 2 weeks and then 100mg/d for a week or two.

  5. #5
    that was a heavy cycle and only super man would be recovered in 3 weeks on any pct let alone that joke!
    i would do a whole new pct choose an aggressive one that last about 6 weeks and follow it, dont wory you will be fine just get it right.

  6. #6

    What should I do?

    One person told me I should start HCG asap and one person said it was too late. What should I do other than up my dosage of clomid?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_20
    that was a heavy cycle and only super man would be recovered in 3 weeks on any pct let alone that joke!
    i would do a whole new pct choose an aggressive one that last about 6 weeks and follow it, dont wory you will be fine just get it right.
    Are you saying that I should start HCG now? Because I just got some...


  8. #8
    i would start a whole new pct and run hcg in it yes, just look up all the pct cycles just count the last 3 weeks as nothing and start fresh with one of them.
    6 weeks heavy clomid 300mg day one 100mg for 2 weeks then the rest 50mg, 40mg nolva at the end of the steriod cycle i ran 3500iu of hcg followed by shots of 500iu every 4 days for 20 days NOW I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD DO AS ITS VERY HEAVY BUT THIS IS HOW I RECOVERED FROM BEING SHUT DOWN FOR 15 MONTHS

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bro - please becareful with heavy doses of Clomid or Nolva. heavy doses can cause blood clots and DVT's. If you start to get hot flashes - back down the doseage right away. Anti-E's can get you into trouble if you are not smart with your useage. I agree with the HCG right away!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    check out anthony roberts pct sticky like beast said. im on this pct right now and ive never lost my libido and my erections are rock hard, enough said.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i always do well running 100mgs clomid and 3-5g of trib ed for 30days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    DO NOT DO NO 300mg of Clomid ED and 150mg next week ED and so on like some earlier poster said!! That is too much, the sides could be hazardous to your health and talk about your blood pressure!!!

    with 1000mg of Test P a week huh? wow.... ummm is this your first cycle? Your Clomid and Nolva sounds good to go, Clomid 100mgED@1w and then 50mgED@2-3w and Nolva 40mgED@1w, 30mgED@2w and 20mgED@3w and get some Aromasin for your AI from this boards website

    Aromasin should be taken 1mlED@3w, its a 30ml bottle and its at 25mg, so either 10 sprays from the pump or just get a eye dropper plunger deal and withdraw 1ml

    hope this help, BUT, like i said, is this your first cycle?

    PS - ok maybe not exactly hazardous to your health, but the damages might be semi permanent or would last a long time
    Last edited by Slaiv; 05-09-2007 at 09:44 PM.

  13. #13
    He didnt say 300mg of clomid ed... he said it for the first day... its recommended in many places to do this. The 150mg however seems alittle high... Ive been taking 100mg ed. Only sides I experience are crazy trails of objects in my peripheral vision when its late and im tired. That pct looks like junk... and to low of a dose imho. Read the PCT by anthony roberts. Thats all the info you need.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    london england
    Run roberts PCT im 2 weeks into it after being shut down for all most 5 years and my test levels are 21.4 all ready from 6 and my cock is hard.
    All the best in your recovery,

  15. #15
    Where is the Anthony Roberts sticky note everyone is talking about? I can't find it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    I ran a clomid, nolvadex, Ldex pct after, test e cycle for 10 weeks.
    I didn't start feeling better until the end of week 4.

    I will be running the hcg pct next time

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