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Thread: gyno way after PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    gyno way after PCT

    Hey guys,

    Ive been reading the PCT stuff and I still don't have an answer. so some help please...

    I took superdrol about 5 months ago and ran PCT. All went well. About a month ago it seemed as if i was getting Gyno. Well, I DO have it now. Hard bumps, swollen nipples, the whole bit.

    I was wondering what i should do. I was thinking about working up to 2.5mg of Letro. Let me know how I should specificly do it. What should I then take for sex drive, or how long am i without libido?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    This happened to me as well bro, my gyno if flaring up as we speak after running the SD. I gotta hop back on the letro myself. im gonna see if the cyogenx will do the trick insted, since it can help in the aid of getting rid of gyno while not messing with cholesterol and lipid profiles as bad as letro. mine isnt so much visual but its super sensative... it sucks. anyway check out "Bino's Gyno Guide" search for it. it will work if you havnt let it get to out of control.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What PCT did you run?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    definately get back on the letro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ok, well can anyone tell me what mg i should run w/ letro and how long?

    i was going to do .5, 1, 1.5 up to 2.5 and hover that for awhile then cycle down.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    This happened to me as well bro, my gyno if flaring up as we speak after running the SD. I gotta hop back on the letro myself. im gonna see if the cyogenx will do the trick insted, since it can help in the aid of getting rid of gyno while not messing with cholesterol and lipid profiles as bad as letro. mine isnt so much visual but its super sensative... it sucks. anyway check out "Bino's Gyno Guide" search for it. it will work if you havnt let it get to out of control.
    Ahh yes, keep us updated on how the cyogenx goes if you give it a try. I myself am debating on letro//cyogenx for my gyno but I havn't heard too much about cyogenx.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    No source checks
    Ok, so Im having the same issues as this thread was started from. Kinda funny how every Cyogenx thread never gets finished...

    Im needing to know if anyone has been successful with Cyo for slowing down or stopping gyno simptoms.

    Anyone???? Please input about this product?....

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