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Thread: Gyno on it's last legs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    In a Lexus

    Gyno on it's last legs

    So, I have been pounding the damn Gyno for 3 months now with 2.5mg of Letro ED and, it seem to be going very well, hard lump is gone, as well as the puffy nipples. But the itchiness is still persistent at times, when I am 45-60 minutes into my workout at the gym ! During that frame, the nip gets itchy & stingy on touch and then the sensation goes away minutes later, until my next workout. What does that mean ?? Anybody ever experience that ?? Is it possible that mental or physical stress causes the gland to flare in a way ?? What would you do or, have done at this point ??

  2. #2
    3 months ED? Holy shit...

    Do you have any before and after pics?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    In a Lexus
    Yea, I know my lipid profile is prolly fu*k up right now but I got the gyno where I want it, and I ain't letting up till it's gone. Pics ? nope it wasn't that bad to begin with, just taking hella a long time to disappear.

  4. #4
    What kind of sides are you experiencing? Loss of libido?... Dry joints?...etc


  5. #5
    I would also be interested in hearing of any other sides.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    In a Lexus
    Well, for starters to my surprise I have not lost my libido yet, it is just that I don't have that urge as much, but it is still there. As far as my joints go, they are fine not much soreness, just a little cracky when I stretch. I guess my body tolerates letro more than others, or maybe I have a lot of estrogen, I guess everybody is different.
    Well on the plus side I have gotten my strength back, same as when I was cycling, contrary to what everyone says about it hindering it.
    I know I am weird like that
    but that sh*t works for sure

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i hope you have something to combat the HUGEEE rebound effect your going to experience when u come off lol..3 months shit dude thats a shit load of letro haha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    In a Lexus
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddraine
    i hope you have something to combat the HUGEEE rebound effect your going to experience when u come off lol..3 months shit dude thats a shit load of letro haha
    Well, I guess that is why peeps taper the shit down when they come off follow by two wks of nolvadex, to avoid the "HUGEEE rebound effect" So far Mr. Bino's protocol is working, up to this point so I am staying very optismistic. Yea that is alot of letro, but it is better than getting hit on by construction men.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    ok so whats your next cycle going to be since you took you 3 months to control teh gyno? going to stay away from dbol? cyp, enth etc..?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    In a Lexus
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    ok so whats your next cycle going to be since you took you 3 months to control teh gyno? going to stay away from dbol? cyp, enth etc..?
    Man, I been debating that for a while, after this ordeal I am definitely going run the letro ed while "ON" along with proviron, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of:

    9wk test e 500mg/wk -wl frontload
    Proviron 50 mg ED (on)
    5wk dbol 20mg ED
    Letro 1.25mg ED (on)

    Pct : Aromasin 25mg ED and, Nolvadex 1st wk/60mg 2/50mg 3/40mg 4/20mg --- for 4wks

    I was also considering:

    10 wk Anavar 50mg ED Stacked with Good ole Creatine, followed by a light Pct.

    PS: The gyno was a product of me not researching my first cycle properly, which is why it is taking soo long to rid, but after getting kicked in the nuts I learned to wear a cup.

  11. #11
    Very interesting, goes to show that different people respond differently to the same compounds. Good luck with getting rid of the rest of your gyno and be safe on your future cycles.

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