Hello, everybody.
I'm an idiot. Please help me. I am so unbelievably worried right now. I am searching this forum for answers, but I would really just hope that people (experienced people) can just answer my questions directly.
OK, so I've done like 4 cycles in the past, all pretty much half-assed. I did do research but I'm pretty sure I messed something up...My last cycle was over a year ago, but ever since I finished that last cycle I noticed that I don't get that hard erections any more...having a really hard time keeping it up...caused a lot of problems with my girlfriend. It gets semi-hard and can't stay up for that long.
It's been over a year since the last cycle and I just finally decided to get my Testosterone levels checked (i.e. blood work). The normal range was 280-800, and my result was only 272!
Now I'm panicking...I don't know what to do. Yes, I *did* run PCT after my last cycle (the 4th one a year ago)...but I did *not* run HCG, only Nolva and Clomid.
So now I have a few questions:
1) Will I ever be able to get my test levels back to normal?
2) How do I do that? What should I do now? (Most important question.)
3) Anyone have similar experiences?
4) Am I screwed?
5) Let's say my test levels never come back to normal. What would the result of that be? I can live with never having kids, but I cannot live with not being able to have proper erections. What do people with low test do? Do they just end up taking exogenous Testosterone their whole lives? If so, how problematic is that? My balls would shrink up then , huh?
Anyways, I am really scared. Someone please tell me the best case scenario, the worst case scenario, and the most likely scenario.
And should I see a doctor right away? Unfortunately, I don't live in a country which has good doctors, and most of them have absolutely no idea about steroid use amongst body-builders.
Help me!!!!! I already know I'm an idiot for doing everything half-assed, but please don't flame me for that as I already know this. Just please help me and guide me as to what I should do now that I've screwed myself up.