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Thread: Ran var and winny for 3 weeks need pct?

  1. #1

    Ran var and winny for 3 weeks need pct?

    I ran var and winny in march and april for 5 weeks 35mg of var oral and 25mg of winny liquid inject eod for my first cycle. I had a good amount left over so i started it again on may 1st. I did well on my first cycle was shredded and felt fine ran clomid for my pct and all was well. This time around i felt like shit on var and winny i now learned i shouldnt have had two 17aa drugs... anyways i posted about this on another thread they all told me to add test and drop var or stop it all. So i stopped it all its been 3 days and i feel great, blood pressure is back down to about 125-130 it was hitting 140 and higher. yea i messed up but i need to know what pct i should run. I have clomid. How much should i do and how long? Should i order anything else? I did some research but i think im the only one who ran var and winny i did this because a vet juicer told me I can and i thought it would be fine but i learned my lesson. Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    the answer is maybe... you will probably just be suppressed..

    share your experience with this cycle mentioned..
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  3. #3
    This is what happened to me i posted this in the anabolic steroids questions and answers forum.

    I am a 22 year old male. Ive been running Anavar and Winstrol since may 1 and just recently, it started like 8 days ago, i haven't been feeling to well. I did this cycle back in jan-feb ran it for like 5 weeks saw great results i was shredded i also was taking original stacker 2 with ephedra. I am currently on the same stack winstrol and anavar however i stopped the the ephedra as of now. I am taking 35mg of oral anavar every day and 1 ml 25g injection of winstrol (stanozonal) liquid every other day. I lowered my anavar dosage and I am about to stop it. My blood pressure is up i have the automatic monitor and its about 135 -140 / 75-80 i remember it being 120/80ish back in the day. I have been getting shortness of breath and it feels like i cant breath in deeply. I sometimes but barley every get light headed. I never had these problems the last time i did this stack. I am also taking these supplements which i took the last time i ran the cycle. Cranberry Concentrate, Saw Palemeto, ALA, milk thistle, Joint and multivitamins that i have been taking for a couple of years now. I just added CoQ10 for the high blood pressure. At times ill feel perfect and fine and other times i just feel like utter shit and that im not satisfied with the air im breathing in. I also tend to yawn a lot more then normal even though i get enough sleep i mean even after 10 hours of sleeep. There is nothing different between the two cycles i ran clomid as my pct when my first cycle ended i dunno what to do. Should i just stop it all and take my pct im trying to get ready for a trip to greece that i have in jully so i was gonna run the cycle for 8 weeks? Any advice? Thanks guys!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by nyr18
    This is what happened to me i posted this in the anabolic steroids questions and answers forum.

    I am a 22 year old male. Ive been running Anavar and Winstrol since may 1 and just recently, it started like 8 days ago, i haven't been feeling to well. I did this cycle back in jan-feb ran it for like 5 weeks saw great results i was shredded i also was taking original stacker 2 with ephedra. I am currently on the same stack winstrol and anavar however i stopped the the ephedra as of now. I am taking 35mg of oral anavar every day and 1 ml 25g injection of winstrol (stanozonal) liquid every other day. I lowered my anavar dosage and I am about to stop it. My blood pressure is up i have the automatic monitor and its about 135 -140 / 75-80 i remember it being 120/80ish back in the day. I have been getting shortness of breath and it feels like i cant breath in deeply. I sometimes but barley every get light headed. I never had these problems the last time i did this stack. I am also taking these supplements which i took the last time i ran the cycle. Cranberry Concentrate, Saw Palemeto, ALA, milk thistle, Joint and multivitamins that i have been taking for a couple of years now. I just added CoQ10 for the high blood pressure. At times ill feel perfect and fine and other times i just feel like utter shit and that im not satisfied with the air im breathing in. I also tend to yawn a lot more then normal even though i get enough sleep i mean even after 10 hours of sleeep. There is nothing different between the two cycles i ran clomid as my pct when my first cycle ended i dunno what to do. Should i just stop it all and take my pct im trying to get ready for a trip to greece that i have in jully so i was gonna run the cycle for 8 weeks? Any advice? Thanks guys!

    LOL your not to bright of a kid,,,between winni and anavar together your cholesterol is the highest it can possibly get out of all ASS between those two compounds, yet alone you have decided to take them together,,go get bloodwork done,,,your cholesterol is extreamly high considering your noticing shortness of breath means its high enough to know its there without a examining blood pressure...go to the helth store and stock up on niacin...i hope you were taking liver protectants nolva and clomid should help a little with the cholesterol,,but niacin is a must..the doctor will probly precribe you some medication for cholesterol so you dont weeze like a 70 year old man yourself a favore and read up on proper stack,,if you would have known anavar and winni are not ment to be stcked together for many reasons..cholesterol being time replace one with primo and youl achieve the same results without shortness of breath..

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