i did a cycle Test E 250/w for 10 weeks + Primo 400week for 10 weeks.
PCT Nolv, Proviron and Clomid

the Blood woork was done 6 or 7 weeks after my last shots.

Service Name: Free Androgen Index
Testosteron: Result= 39.0 Unit= nmol/L Range= 9.9-27.8 (i am above the avreg???)
FAI Pending
SHBG Pending

Service Name: FBC(CBC+DIFF)
WBC: Result 5.6 Unit 10^3/ul Rang 3.6-11.0
RBC Count: 5.21 unit 10^6/ul range 4.50-6.00

Service Name: Glucose, Random
Glucose,R result 89 Unit Mg/dl Range 65/140

Service Name: Thyrdoid Function Test

FT4 result 19.6 Unit poml/L range 11.0-22.0
FT3 Result 5.1 Unit poml/L range 2.8-7.1
TSH Result 1.490 Unit ulU/mL Range 0.3-4.2