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Thread: PCT Help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    PCT Help!!

    Hey I'm on week 6 of a 13 week cycle. 500mgs Test E 600mgs Eq with Dianabol 30mgs/day (for the last 8 weeks) I was planning on doing Anthony Roberts Pct and I have HCG and Nolva but I cant find aromasin anywhere and I dont trust that AAR could get it to me in time. Is there another way to do PCT without clomid?? I can get arimidex but I know you cant take it with nolva.

  2. #2
    AAR should be ok now, you have plenty of time yet before you start pct. And why can't you take armidex with Nolva? Have not heard that before except by a few that believe an ai should only be used during cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    yeah, where did it say arimidex and nolva shouldn't be taken together? Please post a link or a thread..I'm interested to see. The worst problem with that combo, if it is considered a problem at all, is redundancy...which is being over cautious perhaps, but not a no-no.

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