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Thread: puffiness in face?

  1. #1

    puffiness in face?

    Ok heres my prob. little water weight maybe, 2wks into 500mg TessE and 50mg Dbol, noticing a little swelling in face, possible Midsection (sparetire look), i have Nolva and Clomid for my PCT but was wondering if i should go ahead and order a AI since AR's shipping seems to be pretty good now figure i can have it ina few days. My thing is EVERY thread i read recommends you use something diff. and im completly lost in what to order, i know they all pretty much do the same thing but with a few diff. tweaks in there. I'm sure the majority will say Ldex, but just wanna see for myself, Please Help.

    <<Edit>> before someone says it, yes i did post something similar to this in the Member cycle section, but didnt get any responses, so i'm trying it where it needs to be lol....

  2. #2
    yea go head and order some letro or liquidex, I ordered two weeks ago and havent recieved anything yet tho, its a hit or miss with LION

  3. #3
    Yes both will work. Personally I have been using .25mg of arimidex a day and it does the job.

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