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Thread: erectile dysfunction and not on gear!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    erectile dysfunction and not on gear!!!

    Hey fellas. I have a problem. I am 26 years old and just got married. I have been a virgin my whole life.
    The main prob is I used to watch lots of porn and masterbate on average once a day or some nights 3 times. After I got married and TRYING to have sex I was mildly hard and 5 mins later the erection is gone. then fore play and it may come back (hardon) it may not.
    So I did get a chance like four times to get inside her but not fully cause she was a virgin. So I have to stop cause it was too painful for her.
    So when I am inside it is semi hard. This makes penetration tooo hard.
    What should I be doing. I got some HORNEY GOAT WEED. and some MALE RESPONSE caps.
    I really need to get my freak on....what should I do???

  2. #2
    try tongkat ali, myogenx, horny goat weed, tribulus, proviron and some cialis at the same time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    wouldnt that be an over kill???
    I was thinking cialis is enough

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969
    try tongkat ali, myogenx, horny goat weed, tribulus, proviron and some cialis at the same time.
    easy there fella, he doesnt need all that. Just get some cialis for now and try to get some bloodwork done to figure out whats the problem, you dont wanna count on cialis forever.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    good advice as always moe, I would say make a doc appointment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    thanks bud

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Thanx yall
    great help U all are

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969
    try tongkat ali, myogenx, horny goat weed, tribulus, proviron and some cialis at the same time.
    Cialis - Check the dose too, I got prescribed that and told to take half a pill, it comes in different doses anyway. If you have the lower dose, you might need more. But the shit is supposed to be really effective in most people...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridla
    Hey fellas. I have a problem. I am 26 years old and just got married. I have been a virgin my whole life.
    The main prob is I used to watch lots of porn and masterbate on average once a day or some nights 3 times. After I got married and TRYING to have sex I was mildly hard and 5 mins later the erection is gone. then fore play and it may come back (hardon) it may not.
    So I did get a chance like four times to get inside her but not fully cause she was a virgin. So I have to stop cause it was too painful for her.
    So when I am inside it is semi hard. This makes penetration tooo hard.
    What should I be doing. I got some HORNEY GOAT WEED. and some MALE RESPONSE caps.
    I really need to get my freak on....what should I do???

    wow... you are very modest man... i have no idea how you stayed a virgin that long but congrats on getting married ... as far as you problem goes def give cialis a go you will be surprised the results.... and like x moe and get big said get some blookd work done to see whts wrong....

    good luck..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridla
    Hey fellas. I have a problem. I am 26 years old and just got married. I have been a virgin my whole life.
    The main prob is I used to watch lots of porn and masterbate on average once a day or some nights 3 times. After I got married and TRYING to have sex I was mildly hard and 5 mins later the erection is gone. then fore play and it may come back (hardon) it may not.
    So I did get a chance like four times to get inside her but not fully cause she was a virgin. So I have to stop cause it was too painful for her.
    So when I am inside it is semi hard. This makes penetration tooo hard.
    What should I be doing. I got some HORNEY GOAT WEED. and some MALE RESPONSE caps.
    I really need to get my freak on....what should I do???

    wow... you are very modest man... i have no idea how you stayed a virgin that long but congrats on getting married ... as far as you problem goes def give cialis a go you will be surprised the results.... and like x moe and get big said get some blookd work done to see whts wrong....

    good luck..

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    Cialis - Check the dose too, I got prescribed that and told to take half a pill, it comes in different doses anyway. If you have the lower dose, you might need more. But the shit is supposed to be really effective in most people...
    Cialis will work but if your doc is cool ask him to give you a sample of viagra and levitra too. Then find which works best for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Seeing a doc is probably the best idea. It could be that you're just too nervous. It happens. I don't think the monkey-spanking is the cause. Al long as you take a nice break from it (at least a couple of days to a week, to be at peak performance), it should be back to normal function.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    20mg of cialis and you will be fine.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridla
    Hey fellas. I have a problem. I am 26 years old and just got married. I have been a virgin my whole life.
    The main prob is I used to watch lots of porn and masterbate on average once a day or some nights 3 times. After I got married and TRYING to have sex I was mildly hard and 5 mins later the erection is gone. then fore play and it may come back (hardon) it may not.
    So I did get a chance like four times to get inside her but not fully cause she was a virgin. So I have to stop cause it was too painful for her.
    So when I am inside it is semi hard. This makes penetration tooo hard.
    What should I be doing. I got some HORNEY GOAT WEED. and some MALE RESPONSE caps.
    I really need to get my freak on....what should I do???
    you need a psych appointment with you reagular doctor visit ask for referral to psych that specializes in sex or at least has a reputable back ground in it. getting hard and then lossing it is mental per say. You might be gay too and just fooling yourself,( No offense) or she may be viewed as frigid expecialy after youve been watching all the porn. I mean seriously, those women really know how to treat a man. but thats neither here nor there.
    Youl find out that if your jackin off one to three times a day your really not doing it that much expecially at your age.
    fck viagra, cialis and lavetro
    dont be a ***** ask for a caverject!! Hell YEAH

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym

    had similar problem

    Listen guy, i have been through this myself. Wasn't on gear either. First thing I did was make a doctor appointment. The doc told me that since i was so young he did not believe it to be a vascular problem (which is what viagra is mostly prescribed for) he checked bloodwork and my test level was 150! Guess what he did....gave me test. Within a couple weeks everything normal.
    Talk to your may have a different problem, but at least he can find the CAUSE and fix it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    well first off id say yeah hitup a doc. 2nd, im stoked by the fact u stayed a virgin and it seemed she did too? thats awesome. I love girls like that, im dating one now thats pretty close to being one (sex only once) and she is amazing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Sounds like it's all mental to me bro. If your wife isn't offended turn on some porn in the BACKGROUND . Your just used to Jenna Ja****n and not the real deal.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by TexN343
    Sounds like it's all mental to me bro. If your wife isn't offended turn on some porn in the BACKGROUND . Your just used to Jenna Ja****n and not the real deal.
    I agree

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by j_jack34
    Listen guy, i have been through this myself. Wasn't on gear either. First thing I did was make a doctor appointment. The doc told me that since i was so young he did not believe it to be a vascular problem (which is what viagra is mostly prescribed for) he checked bloodwork and my test level was 150! Guess what he did....gave me test. Within a couple weeks everything normal.
    Talk to your may have a different problem, but at least he can find the CAUSE and fix it.
    ^^^ I'm with him on this one. Test levels are important for sexual function, get bloodwork done to rule out that possibility. If all is good and it is all mental, then considering cialis/viagra will help get things going...although you should NOT start to become dependant on them.

    Also, it is extremely admirable in this day and age that you have enough conviction to "save yourself" for marriage, although the flip side is that physical intimacy is going to be one issue you have to work on...a sex therapist can help, like has been suggested above...that's their job, so no need to feel conscious or ashamed to go to them for help.

    I'm glad to see all the bros here helping another bro... takes a real man to ask for help is this area... it's almost therapeutic in itself to finally realize that how many people out there can relate to your situation in some way or another isn't it


  20. #20
    practice makes perfect. it's probably all in your head. you said you and your wife were both virgin's till you got married. Probably just need to relax a lil bit and take it slow. i would still get some bloodwork done tho.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    personally im glad u asked for help. but physical intimacy shudnt be a problem since ur both so new dont u guys wanna practically rape each other? my christian friends are practically molested by their new wives about 2 minutes after they put the rings on and kiss. Why? because it all built up to that and they cant wait anymore. try more foreplay, and honestly, u might be low in test. dont get dependent on drugs (viagra etc) get to the root. viagra doesnt make ya horny bud.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    agreed, relax mate, anxiety will kill that wood faster than an chainsaw.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    So question is do you get hard and stay hard watching porn still ? I suspect you do, if so, this is a psychological problem dude and you will need help to fix that

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Why don't you watch porn while ya'll do it? Me and my girl do it all the time!

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