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Thread: HCG confusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    HCG confusion

    Alright, I've read all the HCG threads and papers I could get my hands on. There seem to be so many schools of thought on this.

    Run it 1) All or most of the way the way through the cycle.
    2) Run it only at the end of the cycle.
    3) Run it after you've taken your last AAS dose.

    Then, there's how often. Some say 1) Every day
    2) Every 3-5 days

    And finally dose. I've seen advice like 1) 500iu per dose
    2) 5000iu per dose

    As you can see, there are so many combinations. A lot of the thread I;ve seen here and elsewhere are written by knowledgeable people, but they can be so drasticallyl different, that it's REALLY confusing. Does anyone have any medical studies or something to clear all this up????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pimpdawgin
    Alright, I've read all the HCG threads and papers I could get my hands on. There seem to be so many schools of thought on this.

    Run it 1) All or most of the way the way through the cycle.
    2) Run it only at the end of the cycle.
    3) Run it after you've taken your last AAS dose.

    Then, there's how often. Some say 1) Every day
    2) Every 3-5 days

    And finally dose. I've seen advice like 1) 500iu per dose
    2) 5000iu per dose
    3) 100iu per dose

    As you can see, there are so many combinations. A lot of the thread I;ve seen here and elsewhere are written by knowledgeable people, but they can be so drasticallyl different, that it's REALLY confusing. Does anyone have any medical studies or something to clear all this up????
    100UI/day don´t "des sensibilize" leydings cell, and this 100UI give you (generally) all functions of testicles

    - Low-Dose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Maintains Intratesticular Testosterone in Normal Men with Testosterone-Induced Gonadotropin Suppression. Andrea D. Coviello, et al J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., May 2005; 90: 2595 - 2602.

    (originally was posted in M E S O M O..... but i dont find this "Article" now )

    If 100UI/day be dificult to aplicate, IMO 500UI per week meaby be good option too

    (sorry if my english isn´t good)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    my past three pct's have been 500iu hcg ed along with with 20mgs nolvadex ed and continued using nolvadex for about 2 weeks after finishing my hcg. I have to say i always recovered nicely, never really had issues with libido/erections or energy. Only shitty part about it is the acne on my face for about 2 months following pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    when would you stat hcg?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    pm me please

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