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Thread: Help Please, not normal yet

  1. #1

    Help Please, not normal yet

    I did a cycle of test 500 MG week test cypionate, decca 450MG a week, and 300 MG a week Masteron. I have been off for about 7 weeks. Stared my PCT after the first week off. I went off the decca at week 11, took test through week 12, and began PCT at week 13. My last injection was July 13.

    PCT was 3K HCG at 250 IU EOD, 20 MG Nolvadex daily, and .5 MG Arimidex daily. I finished off the HCG and am still running the Nolvadex and Arimidex. My concern and problem is that my libido sucks and my nuts are still shrunken.

    I mean really if you line my nuts up together, they are equivalent to a peanut. Not very condusive to knocking up my wife which I am trying to do. I mean really, if I am not taking Cialis, then getting hard is a chore. Realistically, I do not get hard without some help, I get a limp noodle.

    Is this from the decca or what? Any help greatly appreciated?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Deca is suppresive and it can take along time to recover. You can give it some more time and then get some bloodwork done to see where everythings at..

    The Hcg should have help with testical mass I think you hcg dose was kinda low ..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Heres a link to my sticky on bloodwork if you wanna check it out ..

    Might help you decide some bloodwork test you can request from your doc.


  4. #4
    Thanks for the info.

    Would you recommend doing more HCG? I have some clomid on the way. A friend told me to use more HCG, and I am not too sure about that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by petedacook
    Thanks for the info.

    Would you recommend doing more HCG? I have some clomid on the way. A friend told me to use more HCG, and I am not too sure about that.
    No HCG is suppressive so it is not a good idea.

    Now when using HCG in conjunction with nolva, the nolva blocks its suppressive nature so it is always good to use nolva when using HCG . Also its a good Idea IMO to us a AI ( like aromasin) with nolva and HCG as any suppression from estrogen engendered is going to be stopped by the aromasin.

    HCG has effects on 17 OHP ( And LH, it can have a effect on hypothalamus leaving you shut down.). Like I said nolva helps blockes this effect on 17 -ohp..

    You can give it some more time and see how you feel.

    You can possibly try running another pct..

    I would suggest looking into Hookers pct protocol .. I think its the most effective. ( from what I have seen ) Heres a link to his protocol

    Hope this helps...


  6. #6
    Thanks again. I am familiar with Hooker's PCT protocol. I have studied many times. I actually formed my PCT from that protocol, substituting the 500 IU ED of HCG for 250 IU EOD and arimidex for aromasin (easier to get and cheaper, but still an AI).

    I have always been scared of running HCG at a high dosage because of it's tendency to desensitize the leydig.

    I will take your advice and I thank you for your feedback.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by petedacook
    Thanks again. I am familiar with Hooker's PCT protocol. I have studied many times. I actually formed my PCT from that protocol, substituting the 500 IU ED of HCG for 250 IU EOD and arimidex for aromasin (easier to get and cheaper, but still an AI).

    I have always been scared of running HCG at a high dosage because of it's tendency to desensitize the leydig.

    I will take your advice and I thank you for your feedback.
    Please keep us posted on how everything works out for you..

    Best of luck !!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    Yea, I just finished a deca cycle at 600mg a week for 10 weeks with Test E and I shit you not my balls were the size of almonds in like half a month. To prevent a long and arduous PCT I began HCG immediately and have been on it still as I finish my PCT.

    3000 IU is what you had? That seems mighty low. I've burned through like almost 20000iu's so far and my boys are about back to normal. Perhaps for a future cycle and in the immediate future keep running the HCG. The squawking about HCG desensitizing leydig receptors is much overdone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    250 eod is too low for pct

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by jnm
    250 eod is too low for pct
    some ppl react well enough to 250iu

  11. #11
    I think my problem is that I diluted the HCG with bac water so I could divide the IU more evenly. I think I used too much bac. water and somehow negated the effects of the HCG. It did nothing for me.

    A few weeks before the end of the cycle I took 1,500 IU at 250 IU EOD and my boys were a good size, but shrank again by the cycle end.

    Does adding too much Bac. water to HCG ruin it?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by petedacook
    I think my problem is that I diluted the HCG with bac water so I could divide the IU more evenly. I think I used too much bac. water and somehow negated the effects of the HCG. It did nothing for me.

    A few weeks before the end of the cycle I took 1,500 IU at 250 IU EOD and my boys were a good size, but shrank again by the cycle end.

    Does adding too much Bac. water to HCG ruin it?
    Ruin it ??


    By adding more bac water it simply changes the concentration.


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