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Thread: will anthony roberts pct work with deca???

  1. #1

    will anthony roberts pct work with deca???

    i just finished the 1rst month of my cycle

    i'm taking 1 vial susta 250 on MON-WED-FRI total 750 mg for 14 weeks
    and the same with Deca-Durabolin total of 500 mg a week (200+200+100) on MON-WED-FRI for 12 weeks
    and the bleu hearts dianabol 40mg/day first 6 weeks

    anthony roberts pct is the following
    Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
    1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    6 20mgs/day

    i've been told that anthony roberts pct may not work for me cause i 'm taking deca in my cycle ,what should i do gyes?????????????????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    It will work for you because you takin deca. The Hcg is is great for plumpin up your boys after a cycle with deca

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yea you can do Anthony Roberts pct if you used deca..


  4. #4
    bro , bloodwork means blood test right?? sorry but i'm not familiar with this term

  5. #5
    some gyes here told me that i cant take nolva after a cycle containing deca why is that???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    nolva increases PgR and can increase your chances of getting gyno while using a 19 nor ( deca )... But peeps use it in PCT... Some just wait like two wks ( give or take ) after thier last shot of a 19 nor ( deca , tren) to start pct . So at that point nolva wont really be a concern

    Last edited by Merc..; 10-05-2007 at 10:29 AM.

  7. #7
    thx Merc

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