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Thread: Best Natural (legal) PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia

    Best Natural (legal) PCT

    Hi i just want some advice on what would be the best natural type of test booster to speed up the lag in test levels post cycle!
    Before anyone says why i didn't have all the stuff before starting, i cannot get my hands on clomid, Nolva Aromasin letro or anything similar at all. I have a domestic source but they have none of this!!!
    Im in Australia so keep in mind that anything that isn't legal probarbly wont reach me!!!!!
    P.S. Not fishing for sources or anything like that by saying i can't get any, I just want some good legal product names (legal sources maybe) Is that allowed?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Australia , Victoria
    Won't hijack the thread, but its a joke over here in Oz. We need a bill of rights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Never thought I'd say this, but MyoGenX is the only herb (so far) to hold any credibility on raising T. Even though the study is done on rodents.

  4. #4
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    Brisbane Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Never thought I'd say this, but MyoGenX is the only herb (so far) to hold any credibility on raising T. Even though the study is done on rodents.
    Anyone know if i would have any trouble bringing MyogenX into Australia?
    Where would be the cheapest place to order this????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    halodrol 50

    when i first took these pills (while not on pct or any type of steroid)

    they gave me a burst of sex drive and a little extra pump at the gym,i think they will work to a certin goal?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    halodrol 50

    when i first took these pills (while not on pct or any type of steroid)

    they gave me a burst of sex drive and a little extra pump at the gym,i think they will work to a certin goal?
    that would not be good for pct, you don't want to use anything that decreases your natural test production, such as prohormones or steroids, during pct. That would work against what pct is supposed to do.

  7. #7
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    it's the one you buy from gnc,

    its acctuly suposed to jump your natural test prodution...thats there whole slogan and what it says on the back of the box?

    im looking at it right now?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    it's the one you buy from gnc,

    its acctuly suposed to jump your natural test prodution...thats there whole slogan and what it says on the back of the box?

    im looking at it right now?
    I don't know about that, I don't shop at GNC, so you may be right about their "new" version. I have 2 boxes of the original Halodrol 50 before it was banned, and I assure you that would not be good for pct. The thing about a lot of these "supplements" is that they come out with versions that are basically designer steroids, sell a bunch till they get banned, then once they have adequate name recognition, they come out with a completely different compound under the same name. My comments were about the original version, so I stand corrected.

  9. #9
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    oh yes i did hear about that...

  10. #10
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    just stay away from anything that is synthetic bro, shop for stuff
    if you can get your hands on "gear cycle" it was by fizogen i am pretty sure it had no syntethic stuff , just herbs and whatnot, that stuff worked really really good for me a few years back, i actually couldnt finish taking it because it was too strong...

  11. #11
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    actually i take that back i think it does have some synthetic stuff in it..well just search for anything that has natural ingredients, stick with those and you will be okay...and is there really no way you can get pct in the country?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by christopherallen View Post
    actually i take that back i think it does have some synthetic stuff in it..well just search for anything that has natural ingredients, stick with those and you will be okay...and is there really no way you can get pct in the country?
    No i've tried and can't. I'm not willing to ship anything in cos i'm sure it will br seized....

  13. #13
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    hey mate i just wondering how you went with getting anything for pct in bris? im struggling to find anything, at the moment im just taking trib, which from what i heard wont do anything, at the moment im actually thinking about going to my local dr and telling him of my situation.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hmm. Novedex xt, rebound XT, and maybe 6 OXO
    MyoGenX might be worth a shot. my bro killed a bottle, and wasnt impressed, but.
    Tribulus terrrestis i have read a alot on and im pretty sure its actually suppresive as apposed to previously thought.
    Eurecomia Longfolia(sp?) .."LongJack"..LJ100 Specificaly at 4 pills a day I had a sexual dream in a mid afternoon nap, and i think it increases my libido. i think i also had a "feeling" in my balls. RedKat gave me some kinda facial flush, not sure about its true potency.
    Fenugreek....dont know much, id look it up if i were you.

    Propecia might, might, help raise T thourgh because 5 ar is suppressive to the HPTA.

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