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  1. #1
    nopainnogain11 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    To all that really know about Steriods.

    I have a few questions about PCT. I realize theres a separate section made specifically for this topics but I figured I would get more replies here. If you could take the time to answer my questions it'd be greatly appreciated.

    Currently on:
    D-Bol -Test-E Cycle

    60mg - D-bol/day x 7 weeks
    125mg - Test-E ONCE a week x 7 weeks(I realize it's a low dose)

    -Should I look into an Estrogen Blocker/Arimidex for the Test-E use or should I be okay at this dose? (I'm worried about getting gyno)
    -Is any PCT needed at all for this cycle? (I've read up a ton on PCT but my friends say I shouldn't worry about unless I get side effects, otherwise I won't need it at all)

    I realize I'm a first time poster but I'd appreciate any useful insight and opinions.


  2. #2
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    yes you need pct!!! and post this in the right forum

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    get some arimidex , dbol and test aromatize and you can never be too careful.

    pct is always needed, exogenous test shuts you down completely after a few weeks.

    go to the pct forum and look at the sample outlines for pcts

    and you will get responses in the proper forum

  4. #4
    Logan13's Avatar
    Logan13 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nopainnogain11 View Post
    I have a few questions about PCT. I realize theres a separate section made specifically for this topics but I figured I would get more replies here. If you could take the time to answer my questions it'd be greatly appreciated.

    Currently on:
    D-Bol -Test-E Cycle

    60mg - D-bol/day x 7 weeks
    125mg - Test-E ONCE a week x 7 weeks(I realize it's a low dose)

    -Should I look into an Estrogen Blocker/Arimidex for the Test-E use or should I be okay at this dose? (I'm worried about getting gyno)
    -Is any PCT needed at all for this cycle? (I've read up a ton on PCT but my friends say I shouldn't worry about unless I get side effects, otherwise I won't need it at all)

    I realize I'm a first time poster but I'd appreciate any useful insight and opinions.

    please, in the future wait and get everything in hand before starting a cycle.

  5. #5
    jojo2002 is offline Associate Member
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    how about posting stats? or post cycle expierence? please read more...

  6. #6
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    7 weeks to long for d Bal.
    125 Test once a week.
    Why inn the world did you do this cycle?
    More harm the good

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