Alright I thought I would start a new log for my H-Drol only cycle. I am 192 lbs and been training for about 3 years or so on weights. My goal is to drop some body fat while staying strong and looking leaner. I have some fat I HAVE to get off and I am going to bump up my cardio. I have done 2 cycles of PP, 1 cycle of 1AD and a short cycle of Liquid Masterdrol (stopped short when I relized it did not do anything). I will be taking CEL H-Drol 25mg twice a day for 30 days.
H-Drol (1 at noon and the other at 8:00 pm)
Liver RX (3x a day at 575 mg)
Saw Palmetto
CoQ10 (3x at 30mg)
Glucosamine & Chondroitin
No Shotgun (pwo)
Muscle Milk (2-3X daily)
Protein Isolate (2-3X daily)
Nolvadex (starting at 40mg and tapering down to 10mg by week 4)
I am not quite sure if I am going to use the Nolvadex. I might just use like 6-oxo or another product I am not quite sure. I will throw in some Tribex or Novadex XT if needed I got some left. I know not many people like Novadex XT but I did not see a prob with it. I will be taking the Liver RX the whole time during and PCT, the same with the CoQ10 and Glucosamine.
I am going to post as much as I can. Right now I am in the process of trying to switch my work out routine around. I have had the same routine for a while now. Any advise on new routines welcome. Also on a side note, I have been thinking a lot in starting the Neutra System diet. Not because i am over weight. I don't think I am, but the food looks like it is healthy. That mixed with great training and supplementation and 100% dedication could get good results. i don't see how it couldn't. Anyways I will be hitting up this thread a few times a week and checking it probably everyday. Till then, Train Hard!