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Thread: Upcoming Havoc cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Upcoming Havoc cycle

    What up fellas, have one quick question about the PCT im running for my upcoming rpn havoc cycle.

    First, my cycle is as follows:
    Week 1-5: Havoc @ 40 mg/day
    Week 1-5: AI Cycle Support
    Week 1-5: Arimidex - as I do have a little gyno from past AAS use
    Week 6-11: Clomid
    Week 6-11: Aromasin
    Week 6-11: Myogenx---- Maybe- im doubtfull that this will be needed

    Before you all ask, my stats are 25 years old, 5ft 9, 240lbs, 15% bf...dont worry i plan to drop down to 10-12% before cycling.
    My past AAS use consists of Test Prop- 2 cycles, Tren Ace- 1 cycle, Superdrol- 2 cycles and 1-AD- 3 cycles when it first came out

    My reasoning behind not running nolva is that, incase havoc raises progestorene levels , i don want to aggreviate my gyno any more than it already is and from what ive read, nolva is know to make progesterone gyno worse

    Let me know what you guys think...any input is welcome


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    definately would not run the arimidex with havoc. havoc is a strong AI in itself and running the two together is just asking for estro rebound. alot of people have success reducing gyno with havoc on its own. good luck. as far as pct is concerned i would run the clomid at 150/100/50/50 or nolve would be fine as well as havoc is DHT derived not a progestin. i would do the nolva 40/40/20/20 havoc is mild on the HPTA an Aromasin could be used in conjuction but taper your dosing as well.
    Last edited by peachfuzz; 11-28-2007 at 11:44 PM.

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