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Thread: PCT help w/Nolva,Clomi,Cia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Bay

    Question PCT help w/Nolva,Clomi,Cia

    Currently on a 50mg.orally daily D-bol,500ml weeklyTest-C,300ml weeklyDeca cycle
    2nd cycle but am feeling side effects for first time mostly sexual i cant stay or even get hard most the time and am retaining water but am trying to bulk so dont really care about that, im only in my first week and erection problems started why??? i just ordered cia (cialis) for erection problems and
    Nolva/Clomi for Pct from AR-R but dont understand dosages and when and how much to use them or if i even ordered the right combination..... will they fix my erection problems and when should i start them.Any suggestions out there????
    Last edited by play804; 11-28-2007 at 04:21 PM. Reason: updating dosages

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hermosa Beach, California
    I had erection issues with deca as well, i was told it was because decca heavily increased progesterone, i retained a lot of water as well. watch out for chicklike emotional mood-swings/depression. I was told to take 20mg nolvadex every day while on the cycle, the water went down a bit, and my libido came back , but not fully. the cialis should be perfect though, i messed with that before and it worked fine. couldnt cum for like 20-30min, but thats not always a bad thing! my pct was clomid 100mg ed, 20mg nolva ed for one month. If you want some natural weenie jiuce check out this hollistic stuff:

    Sex Drive-Herbs that increase testosterone levels
    -Avena (Wild Oats): Increases in men only
    -Chrysin: Increases levels in men under 35
    -Muira Puama: Increases levels in men; intensifies erections
    -Pine Pollen: Increases levels in women
    -Siberian Ginseng: Stimulates production in both men and women, also balances dopamine production in the brain
    -Stinging Nettle Root: Keeps testosterone in active form in both men and women
    -Tribulus Terrestis (Tribestan): Increases levels in younger men and women
    -Ashwaganda: Stabilizes male sex drive; prevents premature ejaculation
    -Damiana: Increases sexual desire in women
    -Ginseng (Panax Ginseng): Used to stimulate sexual desire in men over 50
    -Kava: Mild relaxant, relieves inhibitions
    -Passionflower: Relaxes without decreasing sex drive
    -Sarsaparilla: Aphrodisiac
    -Star Anise: Stimulates women’s sex drive during depression
    -Yohimbe: Aphrodisiac for both sexes; increases strength of erection

    Impotence-Beneficial herbs
    -Ashwaganda: Insures potency and increases fertility
    -Catuaba: Strengthens erections; increases erotic dreams and sexual interest
    -Cistanche: Enhances production of nitric oxide
    -Damiana: Increases stability of erection during intercourse; aphrodisiac
    -Epimedium: Increases blood flow to the penis; stimulates the sensory nerves; increases sexual desire
    -Ginkgo: Activates the release of nitric oxide from blood-vessel linings
    -Ginseng (Panax Ginseng): Promotes cell growth and healing in the sex organs
    -Iporuru: Produces stronger erections and greater numbers of viable sperm
    -Morinda: Antidepressant that increases erectile function; also lowers blood pressure
    -Muira Puama: Increases both libido and erectile strength
    -Yohimbe: Acts to increase blood flow into and reduce blood flow out of penis

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Bay
    right on man, i really appreciate the advice. i never heard about pct or the importance of it from anyone before. i plan on doing the same cycle i posted above, again 3 months after i finish this one. any advice as to what to take to from the begging to make sure this doesnt happen again???????

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