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Thread: hcg cotraversy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    hcg cotraversy

    im on test 700 mg wk and tren 75 mg day for pct some say hcg is a must some say it makes things worse i eaven read that letro and nolva shouldnt be used together. my test is sustonon .i allready discontinued use of tren at wk 10 im running test for 3 more wks . i have on hand for pct clomid letro nolva and hcg . could someone provide some solid answers . there seems to be alot of controversy on this subject thanks Mohawk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well it does and it doesnt.... HCG is LH and LH hormone is the hormone that tells your body to produce testosterone and sperm... basically is the gas for your testies to run off of the more you have the larger your balls.... the more test you produce and so is true conversely... But as their is a negative feedback mechanism in the body as it tries to reach homeostasis... introducing exogenous hormone will trigger this reaction thus suppressing LH production..... so in effect HCG is suppressive...

    Think of it like this however.... if your testicles have suffered secondary testicular atrophy and have stayed there for weeks on end... it takes longer for them to respond to your natural LH production.... and conversely if your testicles are full and working hard from HCG then when stopping the HCG all you need is your LH production to recover and your testies are already raring to go...
    Now highly androgenic compounds cause strong suppression if not the complete secession of LH production in an attempt to lower your test levels while on a test cycle and regain some balance.... so one can easily deduce that if your shut down already HCG (as long as its administered in a non leydig cell toxic level) will surely have benefit as it will get the machine ready for the gas...... if you get what I'm saying.....

    I hope that gave you some useful info

  3. #3
    Pct :
    Nolva 20mgs/day 4 weeks
    aromasin 25 mgs/day 4 weeks
    Vitamin e 1000ius/day 4 weeks.

    Some people will tell you that you need HCG with your pct. Not True,

    I did not use it with my 1st pct, and plan on not useing it for my 2nd cycle pct .

    and my pct was fine without useing HCG.

    (HCG is up to you. Your going to hear it from all sides on HCG)

    Also if iam not wrong, HCG just came out not to long ago to add to your PCT.

    Remember,PCT were fine before HCG.

    But HCG is great for some people, and not for others.

    But this is just my Opinion, Decide for yourself with Reaserch.

    Peace Out.
    Last edited by luckylou; 12-03-2007 at 07:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    at what doses and when should hcg be used for pct? also i read that letrozole and nolvadex should not be used together at the same time. any input on this? thanka mohawk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mohawkman View Post
    at what doses and when should hcg be used for pct? also i read that letrozole and nolvadex should not be used together at the same time. any input on this? thanka mohawk

    Follow that protocol will work well.... also if your running a 19Nor for long periods it wouldnt hurt to run HCG from week 3 til the start of your PCT @ say 300IU's EOD just to keep you going....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i run hcg on the end of a cycle, not in pct, just because of what soulstealer said, this way the suppresive nature of hcg doesnt affect your pct, i run hcg at 500iu twice a week during the last 2 weeks of injections of test, and at 300iu 3 times a week for the 2 weeks after my last test injection and then start clomid and nolva for pct, you will also need an AI for hcg since it aromatizes easily, just my .02

  7. #7
    I don't see the need for letro during PCT.

    I don't see the use of it unless you are running aromatizing compounds as well as 19-nors..

    pick an AI of a lesser degree for PCT and run it lower dose.

    We dont wanna kill all estrogen now...and since you stop all your aas, there isn't much estrogen left to eliminate..after a few short days

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    it's not really a "controversy"

    just assess the degree of testicular atrophy you experience. If your boys start off like ping pong balls and shrivel up to the size of need HCG. If it hardly shrunk at all, then you could probably get away with not using it.

    It's cheap and relatively I don't see why you wouldn't want to err on the safe side and try some, especially coming off something a strong as tren. If HCG doesn't agree with you, then you can drop it.

    just my .02,

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