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Ok fellas, ran a cycle of Dianevol, 6 weeks.
Was my second cycle thus far, good gains, nice strength increase, post cycle therapy consisted of Nolva.20/10mg per day I believe, Milk Thistle (throughout the cycle too) , Applied Neutracuiticals stack of RPM, Drive, IGF-2, Neovar. A good multi vit, Novadex XT. Everything seemed fine until I ran out of the Novadex XT and wasnt able to get to the store for 4 days to resupply. Small painful lumps showed up under each nipple. I finally made it back to the store but they were out Novadex so after reading some opinions on Formadrol Extreme I went for that, came with a free bottle of their test booster too. Ive been taking it for about 4 days now and my nipples are still very tender and there are definately some small lumps/bumps under each one.
My question at this point is should I go see my doctor or just continue with the Formadrol and hope it goes away?
I did what was reccomended for post cycle therapy regarding the Nolva/Tamox, and it seems strange how the possible gyno would arise so long after my cycle.
I want to knip this in the bud asap.
Appreciate any help, thanks guys.