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Thread: Only Proviron For Pct Hahhaa !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Talking Only Proviron For Pct Hahhaa !!!

    YEP i have nolva but i am not going to use it, ****s my vision...its an very toxic drug what can screw your nerves you need for seeing(AND FOR ME IT DOES)...
    clomid no i dont eawen gonna trye it eather for same reasons...
    i didnt do my cykle to the end i did only 4 weeks of 500 ml sustanon 250 weekly...+some dianabol...10 days and 5 days ...had 110 rest pulse and ****ing high blood pressure...
    anyway i used proviron as my anti-estrogen and that thing is good no sides..
    so i am only gonna use that for my recovery...whats gonna happen?
    u guys think my system will get back to normal or is shut down without the usual pct treatment...if i loose size i dont care i always get it back later..
    i just want to hear of people who have not for some reason done a proper pct..and still got back to normal...OR HAVE U ?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i did a 8 week test E with 4 week dbol cycle. got into a situation where i couldnt get my PCT. so went without it. I felt like crap. slept alot and had no sex drive for like 10 months. after that i started feeling a bit better. oh and i lost 20 pounds while it happened.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Fine, dont use serms. However, proviron is a bad choice for pct only. Its known to keep many users suppressed!

    Why didnt you consider using an AI with some natty test boosters?

    Sure, depending on your age and health, you could bounce back with no issues. However, there is a lot to risk:
    1. natty test levels may stay suppressed and may never 100% recover
    2. depression
    3. lost gains
    4. lost sex drive
    5. higher estro levels that can cause all kinds of issues including gyno
    6. Overall emotionally poor quality of life

    There are plenty of alternatives, I hope it works out for you.

  4. #4
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Fine, dont use serms. However, proviron is a bad choice for pct only. Its known to keep many users suppressed!

    Why didnt you consider using an AI with some natty test boosters?

    Sure, depending on your age and health, you could bounce back with no issues. However, there is a lot to risk:
    1. natty test levels may stay suppressed and may never 100% recover
    2. depression
    3. lost gains
    4. lost sex drive
    5. higher estro levels that can cause all kinds of issues including gyno
    6. Overall emotionally poor quality of life

    There are plenty of alternatives, I hope it works out for you.

    good post poon

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