I am not sure if this belongs in this forum or in the PCT forum, I just thought it would be looked at more here. Admin. please feel free to move it.
I was wondering if anyone has problems with your pct causing or exacerbating acid reflux or G.E.R.D.. I am using tamox and aromasin sprays from lion. I don't think that will matter, just letting y'all know. This is my second week and it seems that the dysphagia is more bothersome, always have intergestion, and cant get comfortable when trying to sleep. I started taking otc zantac in hopes to control symptoms.
I know tamox or aromasin can increase chl levels. So would that cause a inflammation or said symptoms? Also, would the increase in estrogen levels have any impact on the reflux?
Sorry for being long winded.
Merc. to the rescue, please.