whats the purpose of ramping up your dose of Letro? i could see ramping down to help reduce estrogen rebound but wouldnt you want to start at the max dose to get blood levels up as soon as possible?
whats the purpose of ramping up your dose of Letro? i could see ramping down to help reduce estrogen rebound but wouldnt you want to start at the max dose to get blood levels up as soon as possible?
There's no purpose to ramping it up but I hope you have a reason for such a retardedly high dose.
im guessing your looking for gyno reversal?
yes sir.... raging lump of gyno under right nipple. huge and painful
take you have read c-binos gyno guide?
interesting question on why to ramp it up though..
im thinking building up plasma levels is less of a shock to the system.. also have read lack of estrogen can effect the immune system (so might be a sudden bad shock to that)
id like to see someone add to this also....
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