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Thread: 1st timer pct help....

  1. #1

    1st timer pct help....

    ok ill give yall my stats, im 25yo, 6ft 161lbs at 12%bf. ive been working out for 3 years 5 days a week. i started at 138 (skinny i know) and jumped up to 160 in 1 year but from then on ive been stuck..ive changed my exercises ive changed my diet and my weight hasnt changed...i get 3500-5000 cals. a day and about 300grams of protien and 150 grams of carbs and im still just 161. i was diagnosed with IBS when i was 18 and that might have something to do with my problem but it isnt bad anymore..

    ok now thats over,

    a friend of mine told me that one cycle would help me over my plateau. what ive got is..

    2 10c bottles of test A (all i could get)
    1 bottle of arimidex
    1 bottle of nolvadex
    1 bottle of clomi.

    i plan on takin about 450mg \w of test
    using the arimidex when gyno shows up.

    ive got 2 pct`s in mind, which one sounds better...

    week 1-12 450mg test
    week 14 50mg nolvadex ed for 30 days
    then .25mg of arimidex for 7 days.


    1-12 450mg of test
    14-17 100mg of clomi 20mg of nolvadex

    thanx for the help guys
    Last edited by littlefella; 02-12-2008 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Well few pointers...

    Ya diet obviously needs a lot of work! you say you eat 3500-5000 cals a day... no where near!!!!

    300g of protein and 150g of carbs is only 1800cal my friend!! your diet is way off.

    Test A?
    Last edited by shifty_git; 02-12-2008 at 07:09 PM.

  3. #3
    it was a long word that started with an A. and i cals are around more than 3500 ive even talked with nutritionist on my problem and ive been on there diet for a while as well....everyone i know cant believe im not gaining weight with all i eat... but besides that

    your one of the ones i wanted to answer my question about my what you think?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlefella View Post
    it was a long word that started with an A. and i cals are around more than 3500 ive even talked with nutritionist on my problem and ive been on there diet for a while as well....everyone i know cant believe im not gaining weight with all i eat... but besides that

    your one of the ones i wanted to answer my question about my what you think?
    if your nutritionist has put you on 300g protein and 150g carbs and is telling you your on 3500cal - bin them! and hope you havent paid!

    1g of protein is 4cal.
    1g of carbs is 4cal.
    1g of fat is 9cal.

    300 x 4 = 1200
    150 x 4 = 600
    fat? x 9 = ???

    So 1800cal + fat calories... no where near 3500.

    a gaining diet sould be roughly in cal be 40% protein / 40% carb / 20%fat

    Yours is looking at (assuming 50g of fat per day) 55% / 25% / 20%

    Now compare..



    Thats why your not gaining my friend.
    Last edited by shifty_git; 02-12-2008 at 07:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    So the compound your going to put in your body is Test A..something-or-rather....

    Dont do this cycle - do much more research.

  6. #6
    thanx for the help

  7. #7
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    If you really wanna bulk you should aim for 1.5 to 2g of protein per lb of body weight.
    Lets go for roughly 2g..

    160lb x 2g = 320g of protein per day...

    Carbs should be roughly the same.... 320g carbs...

    Assuming there both 40% and 40% of ya caloritic intake - 20% fat means 640cal, so 70g of fat..

    6 even meals a day would work out each meal should consist of roughly...

    53g protein / 53g carbs / 11g fat = Total overall calories 3190

    Try that for a few months first fella.

  8. #8
    thanx man..and for the pct when i decide to go there?

  9. #9
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    Listen to shifty, he's spot-on.

  10. #10
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    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlefella View Post
    thanx man..and for the pct when i decide to go there?
    you are a long way from needing cycle or pct info.

  11. #11
    well working construction its hard to eat as often as i need. right now im eating 6-7 meals a day and at my current $$ situation its hard to 1 eat more and 2 afford it. so ill try and see what i can come up with for eatin on the run and on the job site (convient) thanx for the input

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    You dont need 1 more meal if you have 6-7 already...

    What you do need is to be eating the right foods in the right proportions in those meals.

    Can be done at a lower amount of $$$$.

    Plenty of turkey, ground beef, fish, sweat potatos, rice, oats and veg and fruit... always a good starting base.

  13. #13
    yeah thanx man guess i need to buy a bigger cooler haha

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