hello everyone! I wish I could find this forum earlier when I did my cycle... now I'm 1,5 year with induced hypogonadism from use of AS.
I will describe all I've been though and want to thank all who will try to help me get finally back on track... I know I've done lots of mistakes, and it was my first and only cycle... I guess I was just irresponsible to myself ... but now I'm looking for advices, so please .....
I've done a six week cycle of deca/dianabol with almost no pct after... it was 1,5 year ago. At the 4th week of my cycle I've started to feel some tingling in my nipples, done some blood work and the estrogen was 3 time more than the highest norm. And the T level just at the highest norm range... I guess it all was aromatizing...
So my "trainer" recommended to take proviron for two weeks. As you might guess it didn't worked to good on reducing estrogen levels, but at least the nipples stopped been irritated. And he said everything will come back to normal soon.
4 months past. Test level was twice smaller then the lowest normal range, but still a very little bit higher then previous months. So, I decided to make a nolvadex/HCG pct. I run HCG at 300u.i for 10 days, and nolvadex 20 for 20 days. After felt much greater, but test levels were just a little bit higher.
after 2 months another shot with HCG: this time only HCG at 1500u. twice a week (As recomended by my endo). After the HCG, blood work show a much lower T level then it actually was. 4 month past. blood work again. T levels rised at the lower limit of the normal range. It was an improvement. I was feeling quite happy, but estrogen level were pretty high. So I took nolvadex for two weeks at 20mg. Endo said to wait couple more months without any treatment and to stop nolva.
3 months past last blood work, and I did it again. T level the same, at the lowest normal range. Estrogen is in the middle of the normal range. Sex drive not quite good. balls kind of weak. So I was thinking to ask you guys and to make a normal pct this time.
The problem for me is that I can't find a lot of medication. What I can find is:
1. nolvadex(tamoxifen)
2. hcg
3. proviron
4. maybe arimidex or aromasin (I'm really trying hard to find this stuff)
What I'm hoping for is for a reliable pct, that will help me finally get out of this low T levels.... I read all the threads with pct which are sticked, but it's hard for me to figure it out now for ex...will hcg be safe for me not to desensitize the Leyding cells, as my LH are to lower limit, but still in the limit kind of...
So I hope some of you will actually read this story, and I would appreciate a lot if you can help me with some ideas! really strive to get it back to normal, and kind of depressed about it! And if you have any more questions, I'll be here to answer.