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Thread: How Does this pct look for my Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    West Coast

    How Does this pct look for my Cycle?

    Deca week 400mg 1-10
    Test cyp 500mg 1-12
    D-bol 1-5 40mg ed
    PCT after last shot will be HCG for two weeks not really sure what the proper amount a day would be please help,and run clomid concurrent with the hcg but for three weeks at 100mg ed for the first two weeks than 50mg ed for the last week also run vitamin e with my pct.

    Please give me your feed back also understand this is all I can locate for my PCT. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    most people will recommend anthony roberts pct as the best, however, im about to give pheedno's pct a shot. check the stickies for in depth explanations of various pct protocols. try to get a hold of arimidex or aromasin. Most people around here will agree that nolvadex is a lot more effective than clomid and much cheaper. arr (the link up top) sells what you need. that pct needs to be a little longer as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bosch View Post
    Deca week 400mg 1-10
    Test cyp 500mg 1-12
    D-bol 1-5 40mg ed
    PCT after last shot will be HCG for two weeks not really sure what the proper amount a day would be please help,and run clomid concurrent with the hcg but for three weeks at 100mg ed for the first two weeks than 50mg ed for the last week also run vitamin e with my pct.

    Please give me your feed back also understand this is all I can locate for my PCT. thanks
    You do know that hcg is suppressive right? If you want to run it during pct you need to run nolvadex along side it to counter its suppressive nature.
    Taking it without nolva would be counter productive to what you are trying to accomplish (restore natural test production).
    PCT needs complete rework.

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