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Thread: hcg/nolva or clomid/nolva/ldex for pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    hcg/nolva or clomid/nolva/ldex for pct?

    What are some experiences with the above pcts? Anybody who has done both have a preference? Some say they love hcg but claim it is still technically suppressive so has anyone ran hcg in their pct and crashed afterwards. Right now Im leaning towards hcg/nolva for my next cycle which includes decca. Sufficient? thanks

    500 iu ED 3 weeks
    20mg ED- 6 wks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    list your cycle, experience, and if you've been through PCT before. I recommend reading throught PCT by anthony roberts, its what im getting ready to do. Its a well timed PCT with nolva, aromasin (you can use arimidex), and hcg.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    the question is general however I'm planning a 12 or 14 week test/decca cycle at 450/300. My first cycle was test only for 10 weeks with a nolva pct, which I had no problem. Second cycle was test/decca at 600/400. Pct was not sufficient as I used nolva/test booster and it took a while to recover. I am planning the same cycle but a little less doses because of acne and need a better pct. Thoughts? Heres my initial thinking
    1-12 test/400
    1-10 decca/ 300

    two weeks after last injection
    hcg 500 iu ED/3 weeks
    nolva 20g Ed 6 weeks I

  4. #4
    use hcg during cycle instead.

    use nolva, clomid, and aromasin for pct...

    I have used hcg during cycle, and for pct.
    during cycle was the best in my opinion.
    I only use hcg first week of pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    has anyone tried hcg directly after last injection when compounds are still present than stopping right as everything clears than starting nolva/clomid.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    you can use it either way. The jury is out on whether its better to use on cycle or not. I think the plan you came up with is worth trying for sure. Stick with it and see what happens. If you dont like the results, you can try what Mark says next time. The problem is, everyone is different. Trial and error gets you to know what works for YOU best. good luck,


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter7 View Post
    has anyone tried hcg directly after last injection when compounds are still present than stopping right as everything clears than starting nolva/clomid.
    Tried several conventional pct's, all with longer recoveries. Best pct I've ever done was hcg immediately after cycle up till started pct. Pct was nolva, aromasin and proviron -- no clomid. Worked very well.

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