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  1. #1
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    Critical do I

    how do I run my exemestane?
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 03-11-2008 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    forgot... are you on cycle now?

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    check anthony roberts pct... he has aromasin in his

  4. #4
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    no this is just for the estrogen rebound from letro. 'dropped letro 3 weeks ago, so i figured I'd be ok without running A. R. whole PCT. The drugs make me feel like shite so I wanna be done asap. I dunno, two weeks of aromasin should go a long way i think, especially if I've already been off letro for 3 weeks - most dudes are done with this by three weeks.

    I was just wondering if people would generally agree with my logic, but it looks like the only way to be sure is by doing pct all over again, minus the HCG
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 03-11-2008 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think your protocol will be fine. Give it a shot. have a little extra nolva on hand in case you need to go a week or 2 longer

  6. #6
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    thanks for your advice DB. I'll drag this thread up in a few weeks and ;et you know how it goes.

  7. #7
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    please do... it'd be good to see if it really helps a gyno prone person... cause i cant test myself on this matter

  8. #8
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    all right, I implememted the schedule I had proposed for the letro rebound, which was:

    Wk1: aromasin 25mg/ nolva 20mg
    wk2: aromasin 25mg/ nolva 10 mg
    wk3: nolva 10mg

    I was going to run 15mg of aromasin in week 2, but I did the full dose to go ahead and benefit from it as much as possible. Anyway, just finished this and today is my first day of not taking any PCT drugs.

    How's it going? So far I've got thinning hair from (i think) the aromasin which, come to find out, is notorious for that in cancer patients. But I've been on some kind of AI/SERM for two months now, so who knows what it was. I guess now i'm waiting to find out if it'll come back in the next couple of months. Anyone with experience with PCT hair loss, please chime in telling me all about how the hair came right back.

    The gyno is stable. I guess in the next 2 weeks I'll see if there is an immediate rebound, like with letro, and it'll be a couple months to see about a delayed one. I'm guessing that, since exemestane binds permanently (in most cases) to the aromatase enzyme, there will be no immediate rebound. However, I do believe that over time some of it will unbind, as covalent bonds are not invincible, and other aromatase will be produced, causing a delayed, mild rebound as the estrogen is only slightly elevated as my HPTA tries to effect its beloved hormonal homeostasis. I will not try any other drugs if this occurs.

    So I'll keep this thread going to keep track of my results. We'll see if aromasin is any good for letro rebounds, and maybe get a better idea of what exactly happens with your hormones after aromasin.

  9. #9
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    hey Shark got a question for you Im on cycle of cyp right now and have some gyno symptoms, my adex hasnt been working to keep it a bay so I ordered letro, since I dont have it yet in the meantime I started nolva at 20mg a day with the do you think I should go about starting the letro? Just stop the other 2 and go right on?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IvanDrago View Post
    hey Shark got a question for you Im on cycle of cyp right now and have some gyno symptoms, my adex hasnt been working to keep it a bay so I ordered letro, since I dont have it yet in the meantime I started nolva at 20mg a day with the do you think I should go about starting the letro? Just stop the other 2 and go right on?
    definitrely not. Letro, in my own practical knowledge, will take about 2 weeks to start doing its job well enough to stop gyno from getting worse. I've overlapped adex with letro, just the other way around, and it worked fine (thanks Cbino!). I took 1mg adex ed for a week while I tapered down my letro. For you I'd suggest taking adex at whatever your dose is for the first week of letro. Some would say taper your letro up, but I wouldnt bother - just slam it at 1mg a day right off the bat and go higher or lower later at your discretion. Run nolva at 20 mg for the first TWO weeks of letro. So it'll look like this:

    week 1: adex .5mg/ letro 1.5mg/ nolva 20mg
    week 2: letro 1.5mg/ nolva 20mg
    week 3: letro 1.5mg

    If your adex is really high as it is (like 1mg/day), then I'd maybe taper it down so its not so shocking when you stop taking it. But 20mg of nolva should really cover any leaky spots in the swap. Remember, nolva lowers letro and adex in your body, hence the high letro dosage in the sample schedule - so keep that in mind as you choose your doses

    Also, this will be very hard on your liver, so drink a shiteload of water and take your milk thistle. Watch out for jaundice and extreme dizziness. Good luck amigo!
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 03-30-2008 at 12:00 PM.

  11. #11
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    thanks dude appreciate the help...sounds like a solid plan

  12. #12
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    can the letro also be used in my pct as an anit-e or is it too strong...should I get something like aromasin for that?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by IvanDrago View Post
    can the letro also be used in my pct as an anit-e or is it too strong...should I get something like aromasin for that?
    yeah id say letro is too strong for PCT. I dont personally believe in type II AIs of any kind for PCT (including adex). Anthony Roberts PCT is my fav.

  14. #14
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    [QUOTE=IvanDrago;3899020]thanks dude appreciate the help...sounds like a solid plan[/QUOT

    any time, hope it helps

  15. #15
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    Okay, update...

    tomorrow morning at 4:30am will be 120 hrs after stopping all PCT drugs. So far, so good, no signs of a rebound at this time. My hair however, keeps thinning out all over. 'Hope that shit stops.

  16. #16
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    ok it's f**king ridiculous how much hair I'm losing every day. I've decided its toxic alopecia from the aromasin or tamoxifen and will grow back in the next few months. The loss is so rapid and patchy that I would hardly expect it to be permanent if I were an impartial third party making an educated guess about it.

    Wow. More on this in the coming months, just for everyones general records.

  17. #17
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
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    Order up some Nizoral 2% shampoo! Thats suppsed to help. I have some on hand in anticipation for cycle with DHT derivitive compounds. Not sure what exactly is causing your thinning, but its worth a shot!! good luck!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffefrijoles View Post
    Order up some Nizoral 2% shampoo! Thats suppsed to help. I have some on hand in anticipation for cycle with DHT derivitive compounds. Not sure what exactly is causing your thinning, but its worth a shot!! good luck!
    thanks for the advice beans. I heard nizoral might help and doesnt cause shedding so I got some 1% (i guess 2% is not available in the US??) and i'm using it once every 4-5 days.

    Update- 'been one week today since stopping all meds. So far so good. I'd consider the immediate danger gone by two weeks. I'm getting blood taken soon so I'll post the results.

  19. #19
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    still losing hair, falls out like rain. ANYONE experience this? I've been reading up and it looks like a tamoxifen /aromasin switch or combo is killer on the hair. It's falling out all over the top and a bit on the sides and back too. This shit is getting a little too real for me.

  20. #20
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    still losing hair, falls out like rain. ANYONE experience this? I've been reading up and it looks like a tamoxifen/aromasin switch or combo is killer on the hair. It's falling out all over the top and a bit on the sides and back too. This shit is getting a little too real for me.
    That sucks! I havent had any noticeable problems with hairloss with pct or my recent letro cycle for my gyno. The gyno seems to have gone now and I have had no rebound effects so far! (Why the f**k am I scratching my head now?????????).

    I have taken CBINOS letro protocol for my gyno issue and im hoping it has worked. I tapered up then down and im gonna start with the nolva again today. Ill let you know if I get any ill sides.

  21. #21
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    thanks robo, keep in touch

  22. #22
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    Update: It's been a long time, almost two months since I finished the aromasin , which i took to pwn an estrogn rebound from taking letro. So far, no subsequent rebound of note, although i havent had bloodwork done because my doctor changed practices. My nipples did get a little sensitive a couple weeks ago, but that was all, which seems to be consistent with my mild, delayed rebound prediction. My hair loss leveled off, it was a general thinning on the top, consistent with sides of tamoxfien and exemestane in medical journals. Still waiting to see how much grows back over the next few months.

    Findings: Aromasin does not cause a rebound like letro or adex, nor does it raise free estrogen like nolva. It does permanently disable most the aromatase to which it binds. A mild, delayed rebound may occur, possibly due to a small amount of the aromatase "permanently bound" actually unbinding, OR as a result of aromatase overproduction (in response the the dearth of aromatase resulting from aromasin therapy), the mechanism of which is unknown to this board (unless someone can enlighten us).

    Conclusion: Aromasin is effective for rebound control after letro therapy, as practical experience attests. Periodic bloodwork should be done to track hormonal fluctuations and having a SERM on hand is reccommended.

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