I assume it wouldn't be a bigdeal to use Ldex instead of aromasin for the AR PCT protocol since they both do the same thing, right? I have plenty of Ldex and no aromasin and don't feel like ordering it just to use this PCT protocol...
I assume it wouldn't be a bigdeal to use Ldex instead of aromasin for the AR PCT protocol since they both do the same thing, right? I have plenty of Ldex and no aromasin and don't feel like ordering it just to use this PCT protocol...
Studies show that nolva makes type II Ai's less effective... Thats why A-ROB recommends aromasin in his PCT protocol..
Aromasin ( A type I AI ) , doesn't need to be present to continue doing its job on the aromatase enzyme.. Unlike a type II Ai , which is partially eliminated by the nolva- and unfortunately needs to be present to continue its aromatase inhibition .... Once a type I AI (aromaisin) , does it's job , the enzyme it attached to is useless ..
That would be the advantage of using aromasin ...
Nolva will decrease levels of arimidex in ya system (Type II AI), Aromasin isnt effected (Type I AI)
But you can sub it for arimidex, just up the dose a bit.
sweeet, thanks guys!
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