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Thread: Anthony roberts PCT modified?

  1. #1

    Anthony roberts PCT modified?

    I assume it wouldn't be a bigdeal to use Ldex instead of aromasin for the AR PCT protocol since they both do the same thing, right? I have plenty of Ldex and no aromasin and don't feel like ordering it just to use this PCT protocol...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Studies show that nolva makes type II Ai's less effective... Thats why A-ROB recommends aromasin in his PCT protocol..

    Aromasin ( A type I AI ) , doesn't need to be present to continue doing its job on the aromatase enzyme.. Unlike a type II Ai , which is partially eliminated by the nolva- and unfortunately needs to be present to continue its aromatase inhibition .... Once a type I AI (aromaisin) , does it's job , the enzyme it attached to is useless ..

    That would be the advantage of using aromasin ...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Nolva will decrease levels of arimidex in ya system (Type II AI), Aromasin isnt effected (Type I AI)

    But you can sub it for arimidex, just up the dose a bit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Studies show that nolva makes type II Ai's less effective... Thats why A-ROB recommends aromasin in his PCT protocol..

    Aromasin ( A type I AI ) , doesn't need to be present to continue doing its job on the aromatase enzyme.. Unlike a type II Ai , which is partially eliminated by the nolva- and unfortunately needs to be present to continue its aromatase inhibition .... Once a type I AI (aromaisin) , does it's job , the enzyme it attached to is useless ..

    That would be the advantage of using aromasin ...

    That's the better longer answer! lol

  5. #5
    sweeet, thanks guys!

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