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Thread: Please Advise on PCT

  1. #1

    Question Please Advise on PCT

    I have posted before and only got some responses in the HRT section.

    My delima still stands and I need to act soon on what to do.

    My short story...

    Ok So I was making my own HRT gear and it went bad.


    Now my question is this. Since the reason I started was that my test levels were 311ng/dl maybe I can get by with it being 600 or so just by using arimidex?

    What I am thinking right now is since I cant give myself any more testo, maybe I can get by on some arimidex. Thats really what I am asking of you guys. What do you think?

    I have read some articles that touched on arimidex's ability to raise testosterone.

    I have read where it can boost natural testosterone. If I do though, how long should I run it? 4 weeks and off, then pick it back up for another 4 weeks sometime? How would I use (cycle?) it?

    I was on testo probably 125mg every week to keep it steady for about a year. My nuts did draw up some, sack stayed tight.

    I have been off the stuff for over two weeks and Im struggling in the gym and everywhere else if you know what Im saying.

    I ALSO thought about just doing a normal Nolva/Clomid pct. But I do not see nolva on lion anymore. Where is it?

    Would that be a better pct than arimidex?

    Please help. I just want my natural testosterone to be back up, and the best it can be.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Why were you on HRT if your testosterone levels were normal?

  3. #3
    311 is not normal. 300 on my chart was where below normal starts.

  4. #4
    I have posted similar in 3 or 4 other areas on this board and have yet to get straight up answers.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    Run Anthony Robert's pct, it's a sticky in the pct section and is very good at restoring your natural levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gooroo View Post
    I have posted similar in 3 or 4 other areas on this board and have yet to get straight up answers.
    That's because it is pretty hard to help you with your problem. If your doctor put you on HRT it was because your body for whatever reason was not producing enough test. This is normally for life.
    If you have low test for whatever reason, I doubt cycling Arimidex is going to help your them. And why would you think that doing pct would bring your levels up past 311ng/dl?
    Your's sounds like a medical problem that we can't really help you out with. Go talk to your doctor.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    That's because it is pretty hard to help you with your problem. If your doctor put you on HRT it was because your body for whatever reason was not producing enough test. This is normally for life.
    If you have low test for whatever reason, I doubt cycling Arimidex is going to help your them. And why would you think that doing pct would bring your levels up past 311ng/dl?
    Your's sounds like a medical problem that we can't really help you out with. Go talk to your doctor.
    There was no doctor that was a part of this. Had there been I wouldnt have been making my own brew.

    311 was normal, therefore no script, I should have went in there with a blood test after a week of being drunk, then surely I would have been well below normal.

    The reason I thought arimidex would get it higher than normal is becuase of the studies for which I linked you to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'd like to know the answer to this as well. I really want to avoid HRT, but I want to get my test a bit higher into the 400+ range

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    very interesting

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    You could try Anthony Roberts PCT but replace the nolva with toremifene.

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