Just wanted to know what you vets would recommend for PCT for a beginner cycle:
Weeks 1-12 Testosterone Cypionate at 400mg a week
Arimdex on hand just incase
What should i do nolva and clomid wise?
Just wanted to know what you vets would recommend for PCT for a beginner cycle:
Weeks 1-12 Testosterone Cypionate at 400mg a week
Arimdex on hand just incase
What should i do nolva and clomid wise?
Check out pheedo's pct (sticky in this section) and follow that...
Nolva weeks 1-2 at 40mg, then weeks 3-4 at 20mg
Start 14 days after last shot
Clomid and Nolva are both SERM and pretty similar, but most run nolva only because they say it's safer and bring less sides than clomid. I agree on this, it will be enough for a test only cycle.
Chuck, have you read pheedno's pct sticky. He makes some good points for running clomid and tamoxifen together. Check it out here:
I run both for my PCTs but I think for a test only cycle Nolva would suffice
would anyone recommend against a test c w/winstrol added in the last 6 weeks?
i wouldnt
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