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Thread: Body Tolerance for Nolvadex vs. Clomid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell

    Body Tolerance for Nolvadex vs. Clomid?

    Would it be wise to use nolvadex and clomid separately and on every other PCT. For exampe, if you cycled (and thus did PCT) twice per year, your first pct might involve nolvadex, but your second would involve clomid without nolvadex.

    The idea here is that even tho clomid is weaker, its better to switch up the two, b/c your body will build up a tolerance (just like with AAS) to one if overused and it will fail to work effectively. Any thoughts?

    been trying to figure this one out..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    wait ru saying just use only nolva or only clomid for pct? i thought that was a no no

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    I cant see it being an issue... Women who take nolva for breast cancer take it for 4-5 years solid.. so surely they would chop and change the medication for them?

    Might be wrong of course. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    good point. i am interested on hearing more input on this

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Yes, I use nolvadex only for PCT. Stacking clomid and nolvadex is rather useless and I have seen bloodwork from a buddy that shows nolvadex leading to faster recovery than clomid alone, or both together.

    Im just basically extrapolating what we seen with AAS dont use dbol back to back in a cycle. The only thing that should be used in back to back cycles is your testosterone base. Compounds should be changed. I saw this personally with anadrol, i over used it got to the point it didnt do anything. I dont use any orals anymore however.

    We also know the body is an incredibly adaptive machine that will build tolerance to just about any drug thrown at it. This is where I came up with the idea and got worried that maybe I need to start substituting clomid ever so often.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    You read much info on Toremifene?

    Im trying to get some info on it, but what ive read so far is it has the benefits of nolva and clomid all in one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    You read much info on Toremifene?

    Im trying to get some info on it, but what ive read so far is it has the benefits of nolva and clomid all in one.
    Havent bro. you got anything on it?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Havent bro. you got anything on it?
    Is something im trying to get a load of info on at the mo and know legobricks is interested in 2.,
    Guess im ganna have to trawl pubmed or something. lol

    Check out this thread

    There's some interesting claims about it.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    The more I progress in this game and like science with learning the intricate method of trail and error,with logging.For me the last year and half has been the biggest evolution for me in years with drugs,the Discovery of Fareston,add this with Aromasin,and I have found with my buddies it smashes nolva and clomid in every way,so effective, so amazing,no sides,amazing synergy.I dont think about them drugs anymore buddy......Fareston has changed the game for me,it is god!!!!

  10. #10
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    The more I progress in this game and like science with learning the intricate method of trail and error,with logging.For me the last year and half has been the biggest evolution for me in years with drugs,the Discovery of Fareston,add this with Aromasin,and I have found with my buddies it smashes nolva and clomid in every way,so effective, so amazing,no sides,amazing synergy.I dont think about them drugs anymore buddy......Fareston has changed the game for me,it is god!!!!
    Fareston = Toremifene citrate

    Tha's what i wanted to hear, real life testimony from someone who knows there sh!t.

    Nice one goose!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Fareston = Toremifene citrate

    Tha's what i wanted to hear, real life testimony from someone who knows there sh!t.

    Nice one goose!
    I gave this advise to:The vet murili (spelling) tried this combo,he loved it too.I know only one research place,and one powder source that sells it,it amazes me how slow a drug can be introduced in the game,I mean this smashes things,yet they (the market) push all the new fancy peptides down our throats because that what makes the money,makes me sick,(MT2 is good)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Goose, Do you know anything in regards to Toremafine's effect on IGF1 levels? Also interested in how toremafine reacts while using 19nors?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    bump on this question also

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