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Thread: Deca PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Out there

    Deca PCT

    What's up everyone?
    I just got done with my first cycle. I did the infamous Deca only cycle. I do realize I should have ran some test with it but that isn't my question. I was wondering if it is wise to do some kind of PCT with a Deca only cycle?

    As for my gains: I began working out weighing 175lbs, 5'9". I had decent strength benching 225 for sets of 5. At the end of my cycle I weigh 186lbs and I am bench 225 for 12 and 275 for 5. I see no signs of water retention and am having zero trouble with sex drive. My diet is is pretty good/lean.

    Any info. on this would be greatly appreciated. Some of my research suggests nolva two weeks after last inj. But every cycle suggesting it included some kind of test. Please help Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sharp end of a needle
    imo you would need to pct with deca only cycle as it still shuts down your natural test production, but i'm sure some of the long time vets will point u in the right direction, and deca only cycles aint advised mate, you should have researched more before starting that cycle, but now your here do as much research as possible and ask questions if you get stuck. good luck

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