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Thread: Testanon+Deca=?????

  1. #1


    2 weeks into a cycle w Testanon(1/3 Cyp, 2/3 Eth) 600mg/wk
    and Deca 200 mg/wk...2 questions.

    1. What else should i be taking??? Proviron, Nolvo, B6???

    2.Do i need anything...What would happen if i took 20 ml of test and 10 ml of deca and took nothin'???

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    We do not know what 20 ml of test is equal to or what 10 ml of deca is equal to. List mg instead of ml.
    Everyone is different. You could get a bad case of gyno, but you will most deff have one hard shutdown. You need Nolvadex, Clomid, or the like for PCT; other than that, your question should be moved to a different section if you don't know what dose you should be taking. Do more research.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    first off lay out your cycle.
    200mgs of deca per week is a waste of time money and pins. need to do a lot more research bro. you need to hit the pct forum right away. do you even know what pct is?? the answer your question if you dont take anything to bring your natty test levels back to normal after you are done with your cycle then you could really be hurting yourself. with proper pct you could recover as fast as a few weeks. without pct you never know when/if you will recover. which could cause issues with libido, keeping gains, depression the list goes on.

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