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Thread: adex even if i dont need it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    adex even if i dont need it

    how much will it hinder my growth....i want to take it just so i can avoid as much water retention as possible as well as the possiblity of gyno.....i dont have any of those yet and i might not but i dont even want to bother with them....and if i did how much would .25 mg would affect me....if a question like this has been post already just send me the link to the thread and i will read it myself i just didnt see anything similar to my question.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I have used .25 eod on to control water and acne and didn't seem to be hindered. Letro while on, seem to be limiting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    sounds just use .25 eod and it should keep the water retention down....and then if i start feeling signs of gyno or seeing water retention i can just up it to ed.....but also i have a fair amount of bf on me and im on a tren test cycle because of the fat burning effects of the tren.....because of my situation should i do it ed or will eod still be ok......if you want to see where im at check out my thread in members pics also its is cyp and not prop i wanted the prop but someone ****ed up and got me cyp

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    looks like you may be a little gyno prone, you can use a-dex at .25 per day, it may be worth it, I don't think it would limit much of your gains and would help prevent any gyno symptoms.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    yea ive herd that several times so im not really trying to take the risk.....i know getting some more bf off would be ideal but im just one of thos people that no matter what i do i cant get the bf off especially in my chest and stomach(not that its huge) but you know what i mean......i ran a cycle of prop and tren a little more than a year ago and started to look decent and i had no probloms with gyno or water retention throughout the whole thing and i was on for like 12 or 14 weeks.....and i wanted prop this time around but i got cyp and i know water retention is much greater with the longer ester thats why i was concerned.....but thanx for the help man..... much appreciated

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