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Thread: PCT and Acne

  1. #1

    PCT and Acne

    Guys i have started my pCT therapy just three days ago. It is comprised with 500iu of HCG, 20mg Nolva, 25mg Proviron and 20mg Aromasin daily.

    I had a minor acne problem during the cycle especially in the chest and abdominal area. However after shoting the first three HCG shots all the zits have grown bigger and got more red!!

    I ahd the impression that during PCT acne is supposed to dissappear, not get worse.

    IS there anythign i can do to minimize those adverse effects, since summer is approaching and it is a bit embarrasing to go to the beach full of acne!

  2. #2
    stop being so vain, acne is worst during PCT, itll be fine

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    should be in PCT section, ill have it moved.

  4. #4
    if u ran test e it's flowing good well after ur last pin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    hahahaha wow i have never heard that acne is supposed to get better because it def gets worse whule your natty test is coming back. Just like Puberty

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Through the looking glass
    The HCG and antiestrogens both cause acne, HCG really makes my chest break out. Wash atleast 3-4 times a day with a anti-bacterial soap like dial. And use an OTC acne wash day and night and expecially after sweating. Tanning also helps my skin.

  7. #7
    well the beach isnt a bad idea since maybee the sun will dry up those oily things u call zits?
    and maybee just maybee.....a thing called Acne Soap.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Just have fun popping them til they go away

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