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Thread: M-drol pct

  1. #1

    M-drol pct

    I took superdrol around 18 months ago and loved the stuff besides i got gyno. Just went to the doctors and i may be havin surgery so the next cycle can wait if i do have surgery but I bought M-drol. If surgery is a no go then i was goin to start on a 4 or 5 week cycle. I was wondering what the best on cycle and pct would be to help reduce the side effects. Im pretty sure I'll go with the Nolva(Tamoxifen Citrate) but dont know whats the best dosage and if anything else is recommended and where i could find it.
    Thanks guys
    Last edited by kwbake01; 06-17-2008 at 11:46 AM.

  2. #2
    M-Drol Cycle

    Week 1-4 M-Drol 2 caps/ED an hour before workout, the next 5-6hrs later

    Week 5-8 PCT Nolvdex @ 20mg/ED (30 days)

    Week 5-8 PCT Aromasin @ 25mg/ED (30 days)


    Cycle Support Supplements

    Week 1-8 Multi-Vitamin/ED

    Week 1-8 Milk thistle @ 1000mg/ED (liver support)

    Week 1-6 Liv.52 @ 2 tab/ED (liver support)

    Week 1-8 Fish oil or Flax Seed @ 1000mg/ED (cholesterol support)

    Week 1-8 "Solaray" Red Yeast Rice/600mg + CoQ10/30mg + Flush free Niacin/50mg 1 tab/ED (cholesterol support)

    Week 1-8 Hawthorn Berry @ 500mg/ED (lower high blood pressure)

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