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Thread: Pllleeeaasssee Help!!! Tren & Test Prop Pct

  1. #1

    Pllleeeaasssee Help!!! Tren & Test Prop Pct

    Hi guys,

    I have done one other cycle of Test E 500mgs for 12 weeks and used Nolva/Clomid for PCT.

    This cycle I am doing:

    Test Prop 1-12 weeks
    Tren A 1-10 weeks.

    I have read that you are not supposed to use Nolva for PCT when you use Tren. I have read Anthony Roberts PCT but he doesn't say what to use when you do a cycle consisting of Tren. I was wondering if someone could map out the best PCT to use for this cycle. I would really appreciate any help from you guys. Love this site and I have been reading a bunch and getting great info.



  2. #2
    You're not supposed to run it DURING the cycle, for PCT it's fine.
    Taking it in conjunction with a 19nor could cause gyno because it increases progesterone receptors in breast tissues, giving more possibilities to the nor metabolites to bind with it and therefore release prolactin.


    Use Nolva in conjunction with an AI like aromasin for PCT.

  3. #3
    Oh thank you so much for your advice bro. I have it okay to use that instead of aromasin?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Gyno Protection while on Tren/Test

    Hey buddy, i am about to start Tren/Cyp, but i was wondering what to do to protect myself while ON my cylce from gyno. What do you think? People talk about caber, but im more worried about the gyno that the cyp will cause. Any info would be great thanks.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewSB View Post
    Hey buddy, i am about to start Tren/Cyp, but i was wondering what to do to protect myself while ON my cylce from gyno. What do you think? People talk about caber, but im more worried about the gyno that the cyp will cause. Any info would be great thanks.
    Are you asking the guy who didn't know what to take, or the banned member who answered him that isn't here any longer? You should start your own thread.

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