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Thread: can you take a-dex and nolvadex at the same time??

  1. #1

    can you take a-dex and nolvadex at the same time??

    I'm doing 600mg's of prop and 350mgs winnie a week and im taking adex for my AI... but i can feel my nipples getting a bit sensative and itchy, so i wanted to take nolva instead or at the same time, but on the bottle of adex it says dont use with tamoxifen citrate. Is this true?? should i stop adex and use letro at .25 a day, switch to nolva, do nolva and adex or kick up the adex dose, im doing .5 right now.. but still feel a little bump developing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    nolva reduces efficacy of adex

    if u feel a bump, drop both and start the 6 day letro gyno for C-Bino's gyno reversal guide for this...after this is accomplished, get back on nolva only IMO and lower the prop dose to minimize further aggravation...winnie will help fill in the role of a mild AI as is

  3. #3
    Thank you for your help.. Can I stay on the prop and winnie during the 6 day letro gyno reversal? What should i lower the prop to, 500??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    ^^^yes you can... I'd lower the prop to 350

  5. #5
    I've switched to nolva from the adex and the sensitivity is gone, can i also take the adex to get rid of the excess estrogen, or is it better to take one at a time?
    last time I did test i did sust at 750 mg a week and got some bumps during the cycle.. but they went away when i stoped, so im going to wait until after to see if i need to take letro.

    Thanks for your help

  6. #6
    also if so should i do .5 or .25 of the adex, im doing 20 of nolva?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    ^^^ if nolva's working, no need for adex

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Its not optimal, but can be done.

    I'd stop the Arimidex and use Nolva at 40-60mg/ED until the gyno reduces/subsides. Then use Arimidex at a larger dose than before or use 10-20mg/ED Nolva as a maintenence dose.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    ^^^ if nolva's working, no need for adex

    But you'de need an AI for PCT.

  10. #10
    Thank's for the help

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