Okay, to be honest I got myself into something that I didnt do much research on... I had been working out for a while w/o any help except for cell-tech- then a friend of mine directed me towards trenbolone. I didnt really do any research besides looking at side effects- which ALL nailed me pretty descent... sleeplessness, sweats, break-outs, mood shifts, bumps at injection site, etc...
I was taking 1cc weekly, sometimes two in a week. I definately got some great gains- strongest Ive ever been- and in the best shape Ive ever been in.
I have now been off for nearly a month and when I workout now (wrists especially) my joints have been killing me... I have a thin build so I can understand why... but what I am wanting to know is whats the best thing for me to do now that I am off it for a while? Its hard for me to understand everything in these forums not knowing all these abbreviations and such.
I know that I am most likely going to be scolded for not doing enough research, but if someone could direct me towards an easy to follow guide or just some direct help from another experienced user would be GREATLY appreciated... I am 6'3" 175lbs and 24 yrs. of age....
I do plan on going back on because I was happy with the outcome.... but not until I speak to some people and get a better knowledge of it..
thanks in advance to whomever takes the time to give me some guidence.