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Thread: Your PCT preference thread.

  1. #1

    Your PCT preference thread.

    Ok.. so there are millions of post cycle therapy combinations... hundreds of chemicals and tons of different methods. Some people like one chemical, while others swear against it. So what Id like to do here is make a personal preference thread regarding you pct protocol and why you chose it for your aas.

    Im personal partial to a Clomid/letro combo.
    I feel that the letro and clomid make a great team in combating gyno and leveling my test stats in a short amount of time. Only thing letro does side effect wise is destroy my sex drive... clomid gave me serious vision problems... like light trailing. Dunno how to put it into words... and the nightmares i had on the stuff was intense.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    That sounds like some shitty sides. I think Nolva is better then Clomid. They do the same shit but differently. Nolva has sides of course but only with extended use or over dosage. I would only use Clomid if I wanted more jizz to spray over my womans face. But I have enough of that already. Seriously though.... I might use them together with an AI if I had been shutdown hard after prolonged ASS use.

    I would only run letro before a PCT to get rid of boobicles (if required) due to the estro rebound and sex drive. For me the best 'core' PCT would be based on A Roberts one. If I needed additional chems for specific issues like boat or manbaps I would do em during the cycle. I am starting on Adex right now but just to keep off bloat....

    I just think Nolva, Aromasin and HCG are all top notch. Still learning though so who knows. So far those three are my number one choice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i use nolva, clomid, arimidex and HCG.

    works well for me. my levels come back fast. i dont get any sides from the clomid other then im a big cry baby. i cried over a harry potter movie for christs sake! lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    man dont tell me that shit, im fixin to run it for the first time and not lookin forward to being a big tit lol

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyd View Post
    man dont tell me that shit, im fixin to run it for the first time and not lookin forward to being a big tit lol
    yeah me neither haha

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Most user's experience emotional sides due to fluctuationg hormone levels during PCT (Not Clomid) and using a to higher dose of Clomid. 50mg/ED for 2 weeks followed by 25mg/ED for a further 2-3 weeks should suffice. Sides seem to arise on doses above 75-100mg/ED from what I've seen reported over the years.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Most user's experience emotional sides due to fluctuationg hormone levels during PCT (Not Clomid) and using a to higher dose of Clomid. 50mg/ED for 2 weeks followed by 25mg/ED for a further 2-3 weeks should suffice. Sides seem to arise on doses above 75-100mg/ED from what I've seen reported over the years.
    hmm, well for the first week of pct i use 300mg of clomid. i never have vision problems or other sides that ppl complain about. but i do feel like a little girl. then week 2 i use 200 and week 3 is 100 and week 4 is 50. works for me. maybe not for everyone else.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Most user's experience emotional sides due to fluctuationg hormone levels during PCT (Not Clomid) and using a to higher dose of Clomid. 50mg/ED for 2 weeks followed by 25mg/ED for a further 2-3 weeks should suffice. Sides seem to arise on doses above 75-100mg/ED from what I've seen reported over the years.
    do those emotional sides go away during PCT or do the still linger over after PCT? Or do they go away once PCT is done?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    once your hormone levels are back to normal they will go away. so if your pct is on par then you wont have any problems. and some ppl dont get them. its all on how your body is.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    once your hormone levels are back to normal they will go away. so if your pct is on par then you wont have any problems. and some ppl dont get them. its all on how your body is. seem to use such high doses of clomid. What else do you use with your PCT and how much do you weigh?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by rodgerj View Post
    That sounds like some shitty sides. I think Nolva is better then Clomid. They do the same shit but differently. Nolva has sides of course but only with extended use or over dosage. I would only use Clomid if I wanted more jizz to spray over my womans face. But I have enough of that already. Seriously though.... I might use them together with an AI if I had been shutdown hard after prolonged ASS use.

    I would only run letro before a PCT to get rid of boobicles (if required) due to the estro rebound and sex drive. For me the best 'core' PCT would be based on A Roberts one. If I needed additional chems for specific issues like boat or manbaps I would do em during the cycle. I am starting on Adex right now but just to keep off bloat....

    I just think Nolva, Aromasin and HCG are all top notch. Still learning though so who knows. So far those three are my number one choice.
    Shitty sides isnt even close to the word... it was f uckin horrible. The nightmares were unbearable... and i would have them every night. The day I started taken clomid was the day I started the nightmares and literally the day following my last post i didnt have a nightmare. It was weird shit.

  13. #13
    This wasnt a "what should I take thread". I was basically doing what you did with your thread only indirectly. There are alot of "what should I take for this compound" so I figured making a thread about peoples own personal preferences would solve alot of that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    This wasnt a "what should I take thread". I was basically doing what you did with your thread only indirectly. There are alot of "what should I take for this compound" so I figured making a thread about peoples own personal preferences would solve alot of that.
    No, but you asked what PCT protocol's members use and why. Thats explained in my thread. Hence the link.

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