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Thread: Pct help again

  1. #1

    Pct help again

    Well I got my gear today... 20ml Test enth 20ml Arimidex and 2x 20ml of clomid. So now I look at the dosage of Clomid and it says 1ml is 12.5mg. Recommended dosage says 25-50 a day. So I figure it up and if I run it @25mgs a day thats 20 days total. Is 25mgs for 20 days going to be enough to bring my natty test lvls back up running 500mgs of test enth for 10 weeks?

    I will probably buy some more though and if i do the proper way to run it would be

    100mg a day first week
    50mgs a day weeks 2-4

    Correct? I am not running Nolvadex with it only Clomid and Arimidex for gyno and water ret.
    Last edited by AcePowerZ; 07-16-2008 at 08:41 PM.

  2. #2

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