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Thread: Yes, i am and please..

  1. #1

    Exclamation Yes, i am and please.. let me start off with asking you all not to over emphasize how retarded i am...i HAD a few friends that played on my ball team...they set me up with some tren A and some winni....i did absolutly no research (yes i know. STUPID.) im not even going to call it a cycle. So the compounds were injected into my body in the fashion listed below.
    (also did not stack w/test!!!!! i didnt know !)

    TrenA only...
    wk 1-2= 150mg 2x per (unstable blood levels i know)

    wk3 no shots...had to have impacted and infected wisdom teeth finally removed

    wk4- i realized that i need 2 be pinning EOD @ 75mg so i did...

    w5- 75mg EOD
    i only took the winni for two weeks @ 75mg EOD bkus i developed a shoulder pain that came from hell in my front delt...

    now. the gear dealer that i got my gear from is know to sell bunk shit all the time....i did not know this....i gaind no weight @ all....and had no bad sides besides fina dick for like balls never shrunk...and now (2weeks after my last winni pin i have no prob with a hardon)....i just wore the ol lady out 3time sunday nite and again this mourning. I wake up with a hardon lol!....i feel totally fine.... MY QUESTION IS SHOULD I TAKE A PCT??? I JUST RECIEVED THE CLOMI/TAMOX COMBO TODAY...SHOULD I TAKE THIS OR SAVE IT FOR MY FIRST REAL CYCLE ???

  2. #2
    If this gear was fake or maby just had 1/4 of the actual steroid in it could i have recoverd all on my own..???anyone here ???

  3. #3
    Can someone make a comment ?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ????i would say run your PCT anyways just to be safe bro??

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