Thanks for checking out this post, I really appreciate it. I have a few questions about the cycle that I am about to embark on and I would even appreciate it more if you could give me your advice/critisms/help....
I go to Penn State, I'm 22 years old, 6'0" and about 175 lbs. I have only been lifting for like 4 months and obviously want faster, more apparent results. I rep bench at 200, curl at 35, leg press at 300 and ummm that's about it.
I have a 7 week (50 tablets) supply of 50mg winstrol and an 8 week (12 cc's) supply of Test E. Each day, I am taking 25 mg of winstrol in the morning and the remaining 25 mg at night. I am going to take 1.5 cc of Test E the first two weeks and 1 cc for the remaining 6 weeks. In addition, I bought some supplements to take during my cycle such as syntha-6, milk thistle (for my liver), glucosamine (for my joints), and a lean protein dessert (to take before bed to keep my metabolism going). My questions are...
1) What do you think about the cycle? I mean, do you think I am breaking it down correctly and doing the winstrol/Test right???
2) As you can see, I have one week supply more of Test E than I do winstrol. Should I start the Test E before the winstrol or start them at the same time and finish the Test E after the winstrol runs out???
3) What do you think of the additional supplements I purchased to take during my cycle (i.e. syntha-6, milk thistle, etc.)??? Anything else I should get???
Again, thanks so much for checking out this thread but PLEASE do not give advice irrelevant to my questions. I would love to have my three questions answered or additional RELEVANT information given, thanks so much!