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  1. #1
    thehockeyman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Help with some post cycle therapy

    i have used a 100 mg testosterone propionate for 4 weeks, administering it every other day stacked with deca twice a week. now i immediately switched to sustanon 325 while continuing deca. both being administered twice a week. i plan on continuing with the sust and deca for another 4 weeks. do i need to use any hcg or clomid to combat the side affects of the propionate immediately? or with the use of the sustanon let me hold off on the post cycle therapy until im done with my cycle? i've also heard different things about when to start the hcg and clomid? any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by thehockeyman View Post
    i have used a 100 mg testosterone propionate for 4 weeks, administering it every other day stacked with deca twice a week. now i immediately switched to sustanon 325 while continuing deca. both being administered twice a week. i plan on continuing with the sust and deca for another 4 weeks. do i need to use any hcg or clomid to combat the side affects of the propionate immediately? or with the use of the sustanon let me hold off on the post cycle therapy until im done with my cycle? i've also heard different things about when to start the hcg and clomid? any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
    Start the HCG now, if you have it? At 125-250ius 2-3 times weekly until PCT begins.

    The Sust will also cause HPTA shutdown, the same as Test Prop did.

    Deca also needs to be run for around 10-12 weeks to get the full effects of the long ester.

    PCT should be done with an AI (Aromasin , Arimidex ) if you havent used an AI and SERM (Clomid, Torm or both).

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