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  1. #1
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Feb 2008

    A man with one testicle?? PCT??

    I posted this in the lounge earlier....but I guess this would be the best place for it....since he will need some kind of PCT!!!

    Arnold and Bruce Lee only had one testicle??

    Does any one know if this is true??? I have a friend that wants to start taking test(first cycle)....but he has had only one testicle since birth.

    Would he have to do anything different?? PCT??

    Also I'd say he's about 16-18% bf
    200 lbs
    4-5 years that I've known him he works out hard...but still had the smallest arms and forearms??

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    I posted this in the lounge earlier....but I guess this would be the best place for it....since he will need some kind of PCT!!!

    Arnold and Bruce Lee only had one testicle??

    Does any one know if this is true??? I have a friend that wants to start taking test(first cycle)....but he has had only one testicle since birth.

    Would he have to do anything different?? PCT??

    Also I'd say he's about 16-18% bf
    200 lbs
    4-5 years that I've known him he works out hard...but still had the smallest arms and forearms??
    Is this a joke?

    If not, I've heard of patients/athletes with one testicle being given HRT/TRT (Lance Armstrong). In that case PCT isnt needed, no.

  3. #3
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Nope not a joke at all.....I wasn't familiar with the I ran a google search and saw that link......

    He say's he's test levels are at 490/500 and doc'w will not give him HRT?? So anyhow he wants to take test e soon and is asking me about PCT

    He was born with this....unlike Armstrong wich I think had removed cause of cancer.

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    do you need PCT for one nut? of course. you are trying to get back to baseline as fast as possible, this is irrespective to how many nuts you have.

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