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  1. #1
    NewSB is offline Junior Member
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    Progesterone Control

    A friend of mine will soon be taking Sustanon 250 and Tren A. He is not a member of this forum and is looking for some advice; i am curious myself.
    He was thinking of taking an AI "on" cycle (maybe arimdex or l-dex), but unsure if he still needs progest blocker? (maybe bromo or B6.) Understands that u can not use nolvadex with Nor 19, but can begin Nolvadex when finished with Tren right? First time Tren user, cycle looks like this:

    1-6 tren a .75eod
    1-10 sus 250 500mg 2xw


    Can someone with experience explain to us what is needed when test and Nor 19 is mixed. Don't really want to use Letro "on" cycle and would like to use Nolvadex for Pct with some type of AI..........PLEASE HELP!!!!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what he needs to use will depend on how prone he is to sides from each compound. I would have arimidex and either bromo or caber on hand, but only use as sides dictate.

  3. #3
    NewSB is offline Junior Member
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    BIG......i sorta understand what u mean...kinda have to play it by ear...but what ur saying is use the arimidex when needed "on" because we dont want to wipe out all estrogen. Also, use the bromo or caber "on" for how long until ready for pct. Lol..i guess im asking how to protect mostly from gyno while "on" and how to begin pct correctly because it is alittle confusing mixing the test with the nor 19. Knowing i can not use nolvadex with the tren and realizing i need both AI and SERM for pct.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    as for how long, that too is subjective. I've always kept things as needed for sides, but I am very lucky so I haven't had to use them. I can run tren at a relatively high dose and never needed to include the caber or bromo I kept on hand.

  5. #5
    NewSB is offline Junior Member
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    80 it looks like sides are protected to use the test, but the Progesterone sides could appear during cycle, pct, and even after right?

    i would think with the Tren being so low...arimdex thru the cycle and nolvadex and some type of AI for PCT could be fine and maybe not even worry about progest or is that risky? I have heard of people taking deca and they would use basic PCT. (could u still use the arimdex as the AI for PCT or does that have to change because it was used while "on" ?

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Progesterone sides are rare, prolactin sides when using Deca or Tren should be more of a concern.

    Everyone acts differently. Though precautions need to be taken.

    I'd be inlcined to control estrogen if your using aromotasables. Prolactin and progesterone can aggrivate estrogen related sides, especially gyno it seems. Arimidex 0.5mg/ED or EOD would be my choice, with Cabergoline kept on hand. Any sides and run 0.5mg every 3-4 days.

    Although Caber wont do anything for progesterone related sides, it seems progesterone isnt the cause in gyno from 19-Nors, but the combination of estrogen/prolactin is.

  7. #7
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    anyone know if supplementing dopamine would affect PgR?

  8. #8
    boxer1's Avatar
    boxer1 is offline Associate Member
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    has your friend ever run test or a 19 nor before?, if so he will know if he is prone to sides from either compound, if he has never run either then he won't know what compound is causing the sides. In this situation i would be inclined to have letro on hand as it will combat the sides from both.

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    anyone know if supplementing dopamine would affect PgR?
    Never seen anything suggesting it no. RU-486 will lower it, or anything from its familly.

    I've also havent seen a single study stating Tren or Deca will cause an elevation in progesterone. Nothing, nada...

  10. #10
    NewSB is offline Junior Member
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    What does everyone think about using B-6 and arimdex or (l-dex) while on??

  11. #11
    NewSB is offline Junior Member
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    I dont think i elaborated on what the goal of the cycle was. He would like to add mass and strength, but remain lean. So estrogen must remain but under control correct?? I think letro may remove to much throwing levels out of wack. Maybe the arimdex is a better alternative? What do u guys think??

  12. #12
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    anyone know if supplementing dopamine would affect PgR?
    from my understanding it would. not sure how much of a rise in dopamine would be needed tho.

    however i would highly advise against dopamine supplementation as a means to inhibit prolactin.

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